Nothing special happened at the beginning of the week, my neighbor Pauline is still in hospital with a pneumonia. My other neighbor the Dutchman passed away, I hadn't heard anything because I had my earplugs in the ear. Anyway when somebody goes away forever it's done very discretely and the corpse is taken away by an ambulance. I did my little shopping and returned quickly home. The nice thing is, that there are always people to chat and laugh with and when you want to be alone you just go into your room.
On Tuesday we had a funny activity, we were asked to fold paper into butterflies. A video showed us how to do ! None of us was particularly talented, but we had a lot of fun. My butterfly looked like a fighter jet. It was for the late Dutchman who had asked the management that we fold butterflies which then would be placed in his coffin. I found this a very nice gesture, although nobody had ever seen him except me. Then we played cards which was also nice.
It's impossible to do my daily walk in the park it really rains night and day and everything is wet ! Fortunately we have very long corridors where we can walk! Pauline has since returned and now lives in a very nice, large room with a view on the park. Her children had set everything up for her and had bought the furniture from Ikea, assembled it and now everything fits perfectly. She's still pretty weak. Having two pneumonia within 4 months was a bit too much !
Pauline with her great great daughter Pauline !
The picture looks very artistic and I found it so cute ! Now I have to walk a little further to visit her. She is a very interesting woman and so sweet.
To celebrate all birthdays for May, Kim had organized a "Karaoke" with the result that only one person sang and he had to sing all the time. But it was a great atmosphere!
Our 100 year old laughing and singing ! (the one with the pink sweater)
The nurses, the maintenance man, the management secretary, the housekeeper and the deputy director were exuberant and jumping around. They took the wheelchairs with the person and danced with them, turning the wheelchair around ! My stomach hurt from laughing. The 100 year old sang along and her foot didn't stay still while much younger people sat there as if they were in a church ! I had already noticed that some have forgotten, how to laugh 😒 and have "smiley" faces like that, fortunately there are some others 😊 like that !
When I woke up on Friday, it rained, my heart sank ! In the evening I was invited to the neighbor's party on my old street. The couple who bought our house, together with Isabel had organized everything, and had invited me too.
Before I went there, in the afternoon we played “Black Jack”, first I won and then I lost everything !

The couple who bought our house, he on the barbecue and she with a broom !
Luckily the sun came out for a while in the afternoon and we were able to celebrate on the street. It was so nice to see the old neighbors again, even though there weren't many left. There was no rain in the evening and we all had a great time.