30 Aug 2024


On Monday I participated for the first time in our games, I felt still a bit weak from my cold, but much better. The weather was wonderful, very warm and sunny but with a little wind so that we all could gather on the terrace. It seems to me that we are more and more residents participating in our games. 

When I looked out of my window I saw 4 little trucks and an army of gardeners who the whole day spruced up the park. The result was great and the freshly mowed lawn smelled delicious. 

On Tuesday we were asked to gather in the restaurant and the new manager was introduced to us. We were all a bit suspicious, and then very relieved when a young woman introduced herself and was very friendly and likable. In any case, I am sure that she will maintain the family spirit.

Once again I represented those who don't dare to say anything, many behave as if they were still at school and are afraid of the teacher ! Those are mostly 90 years old or more. The younger once are different, the schools had changed and were not all catholic as before.

So I said what needed to be improved, and then she laughed and told me that everything was already on her list. I left together with some others, satisfied with this first meeting. 

I didn't go out at all, because it was so nice staying here and recover. I felt like on holidays. During the week we played with flying disks and to my surprise I was not so bad. 

We also had a Yoga session, and I was surprised how the participants, who were no longer very young, were so agile and enjoyed doing the exercises. To make it even more real, our animators lit incense sticks and played relaxing music. He even brought an Indian gong with him. What was missing was a joint, those who remembered the hippie times laughed, the others didn't know what I was talking about.

And when the time is over, we gather on the terrace and have our afternoon coffee with cake, fruits, and cookies. 

I became friend with one of our cleaning women, who works here since 20 years ! She came from Rwanda and is married and has two children. They always wanted to get married in Rwanda and had prepared a wedding with 200 guests. I have seen the video, what a wedding ! and I got a picture of her in all her beauty as a bride. 

Isn't she pretty ? 

To finish the week, I finally did my little shopping, as I couldn't go out due to my cold and bought some fruits. When I came back I saw my old ladies shooting with a toy gun on colored plastic cups !! and they had a lot of fun ! The best was a 95 year old lady who almost always achieved her goal, as if she had done nothing else in her entire life, although she worked as a doctor's assistant with her husband, who was a doctor and had raised 4 children at the same time ! She was very proud of her performance !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

28 Aug 2024


1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 


It was said in the past to always wear clean underwear in case you have an accident and they have to carry you into a hospital ! Probably it was to inform people to change underwear (sometimes). 

I don't know what cliché holds the truth.

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen?

It probably was my computer mouse, I can't think of something else. But I regularly have to buy a mouse because they just fall on the ground and break. I have always one in reserve. I can't use the touch pad, the use just doesn't go into my head.

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'? 

Never heard of s'mores, but thanks to Google now I know. Besides in England nobody eats that,  it's a far too sweet toast in Europe. Marshmellows are not well know even by children and if, they usually don't like them.

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? 

  Not a horse, but a camel !

Besides a moped and a horse, I have tried them all during my life I think.  Unfortunately for the horse I am too old now and when I was young I was afraid of horses ! Now not at all anymore, I love them.

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? 

 Nothing special my life, is like a pearl necklace, each and every day the same "pearl" !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Since an army of gardeners have invaded our park, the smell of the freshly mowed lawn makes me feel on holidays and not to regret that I didn't travel this year. 

They came with 4 trucks


and in the evening I can hear the swans, geese, birds, making a lot of noise while "singing" in the dawn, they are swimming on the lake in Waterloo Park, which is directly adjacent to ours, separated only by bushes and a fence. 

When I wake up in the morning the crows make a huge racket because they are fighting over a piece of bread, which my roommates throw into the park ! It's almost like the Hitchkock movie. Then I let my thoughts wander and make plans for the day. It's nice to be on permanent holidays and it's warm and the sun is shining !



a thirsty camel in Morocco 

more participants here, and Image-in-ing

26 Aug 2024


 Mum and Dad Swan lead their kids through the tourists laying on the beach of the Garda Lake in Italy

Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



On Saturday it became very hot approaching 30°C, with a very strong wind which blow us nearly away while we were all sitting on the terrace and had a lot of fun, we laughed a lot and with our coffee we had wafels and everybody had a good appetite.

On Sunday the temperature had dropped again during night and it was rather cold and we couldn't sit outside ! No wonder that you catch a cold easily. One resident had fallen asleep in the sunshine on a bank and her face and decolté was red like lobster and the skin was burnt ! Of course it hurt a lot, hopefully she will feel better tomorrow. 

This time we had to find synonyms and then we were served a "merveilleux" with our café.


We can't say that we are starving here ! Fortunately I haven't put on weight but some others who probably didn't eat anymore alone in their apartments, look far better now.

The star of this afternoon, as so often, was our little Italian  woman, Rina, who always got everything wrong because her hearing aid doesn't work well. The funniest words come out. And every afternoon at four o'clock, she starts telling us that she has 5 children, lives in Waterloo and who can drive her home because it's time to feet them. We have to be careful not to contradict her otherwise she will get really angry. But she has lot of humor and is happy when we laugh at her. Otherwise she is completely normal during the day.

And another week will start tomorrow, my cold has disappeared I only still cough a bit.