28 Aug 2024


1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 


It was said in the past to always wear clean underwear in case you have an accident and they have to carry you into a hospital ! Probably it was to inform people to change underwear (sometimes). 

I don't know what cliché holds the truth.

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen?

It probably was my computer mouse, I can't think of something else. But I regularly have to buy a mouse because they just fall on the ground and break. I have always one in reserve. I can't use the touch pad, the use just doesn't go into my head.

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'? 

Never heard of s'mores, but thanks to Google now I know. Besides in England nobody eats that,  it's a far too sweet toast in Europe. Marshmellows are not well know even by children and if, they usually don't like them.

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? 

  Not a horse, but a camel !

Besides a moped and a horse, I have tried them all during my life I think.  Unfortunately for the horse I am too old now and when I was young I was afraid of horses ! Now not at all anymore, I love them.

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? 

 Nothing special my life, is like a pearl necklace, each and every day the same "pearl" !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Since an army of gardeners have invaded our park, the smell of the freshly mowed lawn makes me feel on holidays and not to regret that I didn't travel this year. 

They came with 4 trucks


and in the evening I can hear the swans, geese, birds, making a lot of noise while "singing" in the dawn, they are swimming on the lake in Waterloo Park, which is directly adjacent to ours, separated only by bushes and a fence. 

When I wake up in the morning the crows make a huge racket because they are fighting over a piece of bread, which my roommates throw into the park ! It's almost like the Hitchkock movie. Then I let my thoughts wander and make plans for the day. It's nice to be on permanent holidays and it's warm and the sun is shining !


  1. So glad to hear it is warm and sunny. We have summer weather even though we are supposed to be in winter. We had our gardeners in the village today. I don't like the way they trim the trees into round shapes. I like to see trees look natural.

  2. I love the smell of new-mown grass. It must be so nice to wake up to all the sounds you have.

  3. It would be nice to be on a permanent holiday! That's smart to have a backup mouse on hand.

  4. 4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday?
    On the ground, I don't mind how a bus, car, train or ship travels. It is almost always safe and comfortable.
    In the air, I have never been in anything small eg a helicopter. I would be anxious for weeks :(

  5. We sometimes get crows in the treetops here and I cannot stand the sound. I shoo them away. I love the smell of newly mown grass. Hope you have a nice day!

  6. My godmother was in a serious car accident almost 60 years ago, and she said that when they brought her into the hospital they just tore her underwear off.


  7. Good picture with you on the camel! I climbed once on the back of a ponny to Lindos (Rhodos), but the owner was right there, navigating it.

  8. I imagine that camel was a great way to travel! I have not ever sat on any...but I have been on a few ponies. Even a deer, but it was just a statue, LOL!! I was about 6 or 7 that time...
    We have a lot of various bird sounds here, since we live outside of the city, and we hear other animals too, sometimes.
    I am happy that you finally got some real summer weather...and that our nasty cold has gone away.

  9. Riding a camel. I cannot decide if that would be fun or not so much. I did ride an elephant once (in Thailand) and it was a bit scary, if I'm honest. So interesting that the children do not know about marshmallows. I'm not a huge fan myself but certainly just assumed they were something you could eat just about anywhere. Now I know -


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