
Each year the city organizes an excursion for the senior citizen. This time we went to the Ardennes to visit the Abbey of Orval. The departure was at 7 am and here we are on our first stop having breakfast around 9 pm. We all got coffee, or tea and a huge croissant.

Two hours later we arrived at the Abbey, an impressive building and inside the ruins of the old one. I will write a separate post about this beautiful place.

On our way back we stopped in Bouillon and had an hour to walk around. It is a very typical Ardennes city. I had been there already years ago but didn't remember very much.
4. Just one week ago the gardener had pulled out all weeds in our red gravel, but weeds are like boomerangs they come back as soon as you turn your back. Therefore I made an eco-friendly mixture out of white vinegar, salt and chlorid and poured it over the gravel. If now a weed dares to show up I will shoot with a gun ! After that I was exhausted and rested behind a crime story.
After our painting course, Nicole, Ilona and I went to the Jollywood restaurant and could eat outside. It was very good and it was also good for Ilona who feels now all the stress coming out from her mother's dead.
After lunch we went to her mother's apartment and gathered 5 big bales with clothes, bedlinens, kitchen and bath towels which I will bring tomorrow to the charity shop for battered women and loaded them in my car, because Ilona's is too small. It was strange to be in this apartment without her mother. There are so many things to get rid of ! She had a beautiful collection of semi precious natural stones, which are now for sale.
linking to Willy Nilly Friday five