Every two years the city of Waterloo organizes an "Artist tour" which allows leisure or professional artists to expose their art in different places of the city, private houses, or in halls, in exhibition centers etc. So this weekend I was busy with our exposition, which took place in our usual room.
For the beginning we had to find a nice poster, and our teacher came up with a great idea, she made a huge puzzle and gave each of us a piece where we had to paint something on. Then she collected the painted pieces and it gave this result !
The puzzle was put together each piece randomly
Then came my turn with the practical informations.
On Friday we spent the whole afternoon hanging up the paintings and for this purpose panels were installed. We had some men in our group, but over the years they are gone or not able anymore to carry heavy things. We hired a young student who did the hard work for us.
When all paintings had been on the panels and tables, Annie added her self made bouquets to give a cheerful touch.

And so looked the room when nobody was there
Sunday the day started very well for me, first I got up too late which usually never happens, so I missed the beginning, then looking down on my bag I noticed that I had no shoes on but my red white dotted slippers ! I asked what I should do, after everybody had laughed enough, they said I could keep them nobody would notice, but I thought Mr. G. will come anyway so he can bring me my shoes. I called him and explained which one. The result was that Mr. G. arrived with a huge bag full of shoes, pretending that he didn't know which pair I wanted to wear ! Men ....
The problem with the shoes solved, I walked visitors from panel to panel or table,
Here is Nicole showing the paintings to her daughter and granddaughter.
I tried to sell some stones transformed into cats, but due to the economical crises not one was sold !
My friend Annie who had painted the horses had sold them all ! We all agreed they are really beautiful !
When I came home at 7 pm I was exhausted !