When I arrived at my aqua gym, the previous class was a little late, so we all sat on the steps and waited to go into the swimming pool. As I had my camera with me one took a picture of us all sitting there, together (a few missing of course). But on the first picture she didn't pay attention and we are all hidden in steam ! It was as usual very nice, I like my new classmates because I had changed from Monday to Wednesday and have now a young man as teacher.
3. Nicole is a bit depressed, she likes to go out walking or visiting exhibitions or whatever and being occupied. She also feels like a prisoner. So I went over and we spend the afternoon together chatting and waiting for better times.
Charlie was happpy he got cookies !
4. I had a blood test done on the request of the dermatologist who can't find what a strange disease I have if ever it is one.
I get from time to time a rush big like a hand, always on other parts of my body, legs, thighs, arms, or belly etc. It happens from time to time without any reason, sometimes after 2 or 3 months or two weeks. It had started last year in June. Besides the fact that it itches terribly, it doesn't bother me at all. But it bothered the dermatologist, she is very ambitious and of course she couldn't stand that she couldn't find what it is.
She kept me one hour on the phone to explain my blood test results. Of course I am close to the graveyard if I would believe her. After having told me to change the bedlinen, and wash it immediately to what I answered, that I had the rushes also in Egypt, France and England, with other bedlinen, she declared that I am ALLERGIC to CATS !! I had to laugh, I told her that I live nearly 60 years with cats and that I have no eye itches or a running nose or other symptoms of a cat allergy, to what she answered that probably my body got used to it.

My little killers
At this moment I had enough. I didn't want to play her guinea pig to find out what I have, I feel good I have nothing why should I start with tests and medication or whatever, so I politely ended the conversation and told her that I would go with the test results to my house doctor. She didn't like that at all which made me even more suspicious, she said I should go to a specialist and gave me a name ! I said yes, yes, and hang on. Ilona was on Skype and had listened to the whole conversation. She told me immediately, don't go back to this doctor ! She only wants to make money and certainly gives you a lot of medicine to make the drug industry rich !
I agreed. Why inventing me diseases ? I am not a hypochondriac ! It's now at least a month that I didn't have this rush, so I can live with that and just put an anti itch cream on. Besides that I have too much of Vitamin B12, where most of the people don't have enough !
After that I told my cats that they have to go away, because I am allergic, but instead Arthur settled down on my lap to watch TV and Rosie behind my neck on sofa. And no rush came !
5. I tried out something new in my painting class. I had seen in a video a painter painting with his fingers ! I thought that's something I want to try out. To the horror and surprise of my classmates I dipped 2 fingers in a blue color and put it on the canvas. I worked very well and was such a fun to do.

The painting came out quite nicely and my clothes were still clean. My blue hand was quickly washed as these are acrylic colors. Now some others want to try that out too !
more participants here at FIVE ON FRIDAY