Wendishness proposal is :
we’re at the end of decade and in the media we’re seeing a lot of highlights, mishaps, misfortunes etc.. that have happened in the news. But what about everyone else? I would LOVE to see your highlights and lowlights from the “noughties”.I really had to rake my brain for this, because I don't remember any special highlights, but I remember a "lowlight" which was the day when Mr. Gattino started his life as a retired man ! That turned my world a little upside down until we got used to live together 24 h a day, but I think this is the destiny of all married women. Now I don't have to worry anymore that I could forget to feed the cats (which btw never happened) but he is there to supervise and the cats get fat and fatter.
Another highlight for me but for a lot of people a lowlight, was the introduction of the
Euro on 1st January 2002 and suddenly we got our salary in Euros and had to pay everything in Euros too. Most of the people my age are still calculating in Belgian Francs, I forgot them, I like the Euro it's so easy for travelling because it is used in 16 of the 27 European countries.
I really don't understand why the rest of them want to keep there own currency, pounds or whatever, they have to change their money into Euros anyway when they go abroad. Now the Euro is the second largest reserve currency and the second most traded currency in the world after the U.S. dollar and a lot of foreign countries prefere Euros to the $. Those who are 16 or 17 today don't even remember the Belgian francs. And those who pretend that with the introduction of the Euro everything increased, forget that their local currency prices increased too and we all pay more or less the same value for a bread.

Euro bills and coins

Our cat family changed too. Max died after just 20 years of sharing our lives which was very sad. But then we adopted Arthur, who is such a funny cat and a childhood wish of Mr. G who always wanted a white cat. We inherited also the two cats of our son, because he moved from his house in London to an appartment in Amsterdam and the cats were so unhappy.
Last but not least I choose little Rosie on Internet and she is the first cat I could follow in pictures from birth until now that she is two years old. Other then that a big highlight which really changed my life was the discovery of internet in 2005 and then the start of a blog in 2006 which became so important that I had to make 3 out of one !
The important switch of one century to the next, i.e. 1999 to 2000 which is something very special and not all people live this event, I don't remember very well, because we were both sick and just got up at midnight to have some champagne, looked at the fireworks in the neighbourhood for a minute and went back to bed again, sneezing and caughing.
The last highlight was the purchase of my new car two years ago and the last lowlight the death of my best friend this year in february.