It's always interesting to watch people especially when they come from different countries and share a beach together. We know immediately if our neighbors are English because they are all tattooed. We couldn't find a single man who wasn't. It went from a discrete tattoo to the nearly whole body, back, front and arms. Some of them looked as if they would wear a T-shirt ! The Germans are not tattooed not even the younger once or the girls. Depending on the age the tattoos look from ugly to awfully ugly.
As there are no Russians this year, everybody behaves very well and everybody is friendly. There was only one English "lady" who had put her crutches over the table, which looked a little strange because her husband had hardly space for his plates.
The animation team came into the restaurant to invite you for a sketch show. But seeing the pig ears and the outfits, Nicole wasn't inspired at all and me neither. Instead we spend a nice evening in the lounge.
There are also snooker tables, which I hadn't discovered yet
On my way to supper.
Around 11 each day a drink is served at the beach and an employee asks you if there is everything OK and if we have any complaints. Which we didn't have.
This morning I discovered this man who fills bottles with sand and creates fishes, camels or other designs with different coloured pigments which he mixes with the sand. He does it layer by layer and pushed the sand until you can see a fish or a dolphin. It takes him 4 hours to make a medium sized bottle ! It looks very pretty, but I have already one which Mr. G. had had made for me with a cat inside.
While sitting with my computer in the lounge, I discovered a new profession ! A fly catcher ! There was an employee standing at the entrance with a kind of tennis racket and hopped around to touch the flies with his racket which made a strange noise because it was a kind of electric chair for flies.