1. I have the impression that my days are like a pearl necklace, every day the same ... It rains and I only went out for hopping in the warm water during aqua gym. We only were half of our usual group, the others had a cold or the flew !
2. To distract me a bit I went to my friend Nicole, and wanted to spend a nice afternoon with her. Unfortunately a friend of hers came and cried the whole time because her husband has started Alzheimer. We tried our best to comfort her, but we don't really know how to help her I told her to ask the Alzheimer association in Brussels. She certainly can get some help there.
3. On TV there is nothing but dramas, terrorist attacks, or threats, we had two this week, fortunately false alerts caused by hysterical people which ended in a huge traffic jam in Brussels. The security level has been increased as the Jihadists believe that Belgium is the "little" sister of France, which is rather offending especially for the Flemish part of the country !
4. My friend Ilona had asked me to buy her a little tablet, which I did and I just had the time to return home when a thunderstorm started ! The only cat out of my four who bothers about thunder is Arthur usually the hero and most sociable cat, he hid under the bed!
5. In my painting course we had a birthday celebration and a lot of fun, the cake was very good. Here too half of the class was missing for the same reasons as mentioned above.

coming soon !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.