2. To put a little sunshine at least in our hearts Nicole and I went to the travel agency to book a week in Tunisia at the isle of Djerba. We had got a gift check of 500 € ( $) and of course wanted to spend this money ! The check was valid from April to October. We booked a very nice 4* hotel for May and had only to pay 65 € (70 $) ! A very good bargain !
3. I was busy to prepare a post about the Waterloo Lion site (see post here ) and that took me quite some time to find the old pictures ! I had put the link on Facebook and got a lot of comments from Waterloo inhabitants who hadn't seen the site in this state yet and wrote that a graveyard is more fun !
4. I went shopping our fridge was empty, I just loaded the car and hurried home, it was really disgusting outside ! Far better to stay inside in the warmth.
5. We wanted to celebrate the New Year with some girls of my painting class in the Asiatic restaurant which is so nice in everything, quality, price and decoration.

So we were 6 vintage girls gathered around a round table and had a lot of fun. I think we were quite noisy too, because the other guests wondered why we laughed so much and turned their heads towards our table. Maybe they were just jealous !