3 Apr 2010


In my painting group on Thursdays I always hear some funny events my classmates report. One of them told us last thursday that a 22 year old man was arrested because he had raped 12 women over 60 ! He observed them, followed them home, rang at the door, pushed them inside and did his job. Comment of my classmate : See girls, there is still hope ! A psychiatrist said the man had problems with 60 year old women, stemming from his childhood.

We also have a man here who was convicted to 3 years of prison because he had embezzeled money from his company and when he heard that he should spend 3 years in the St. Gilles prison he went in hunger strike because he wants to be in another. Unfortunately the judge told him that it is not up to him to choose his prison !

The employees of a Brussels municipality have no access to internet anymore, during working hours, because they spend too much time on Twitter and Facebook and people had complained.

I met one of my neighbour this morning who told me that Arthur has spent the whole Wednesday morning in her bed. Now I know where he goes ! For those who don't know, Arthur is not my husband but my cat !

2 Apr 2010


Once again and with pleasure I am the host for this coming monday April 5. As April is quiet a moody month here in Belgium, I thought about asking you :

Do you use an umbrella against the rain or too much sunshine ? Even if you don't you certainly have at least one in your house I suppose. Take a picture and show us the one or once you use (or not)

Everybody is welcome to play, show us the most hidious umbrella you have in your basement or the most beautiful one.

I also want to say something. In the last months some times FUN MONDAY wasn't fun anymore. The topic was far too serious for the initial idea of Fun Monday and there were less and less players. I suggest we go back to the roots and ask simple and funny things again, like in the past, the view out of your kitchen, your bedside table, your slippers, your blogging corner etc.

Here at Pensieve's blog you can read all about FUN MONDAY, the idea, the rules and the topics we had. I am sure that a lot of you don't even know where the idea came from.

If you play, come back on monday 5 th and put your link on my blog.

SHOW & TELL Friday

More participants here

Last week I wanted to use my "Baby" computer, the netbook which I always use when I am travelling or when I sit in the garden. It was dead, no sign at all anymore. I took it to the shop to get it repaired, just to hear that the guarantee was only valid 1 year and I had it since 1 year 1 /2. To repair it was too expensive so they told me to buy a new one. That's what I finally did after a thorough market research. The best one for my purposes was the one below, an Eee Notebook from Asus. It has the size of a book and is not heavy at all, although the battery lasts for 12 h which really is a lot.

And here is my little jewel, of course Rosie has to pose, there is nothing to do, each time I take a picture of something she must sit in it !

I put up my easter decoration, not much this year, for an unknown reason I am not motivated at all. I just took out the basket from last year and put some real painted eggs in it.

and here too, Rosie had to play the Easter bunny but with short ears.

1 Apr 2010


more participants here

13 Questions difficult to answer

1. At a movie theater which arm rest is yours? both

2. Do stuttering people stutter when they're thinking to themselves?

3. Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. That's why !

4. Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?

5. If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?

6. If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin? I hope so

7. If you are asked to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your the main witness, what if you say "no"? Funny faces to photograph !

8. When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?

9. Are eyebrows considered facial hair?

10. If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on? On the head's day

11. If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said they 'died laughing'? Me

12.If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches?

13. Do you yawn in your sleep?

Try to answer the once I couldn't !

31 Mar 2010


unwanted spring signs

30 Mar 2010


is here

29 Mar 2010


Janice wrote "this weeks challenge is all about Spring. Here is what I want you to do.....Take a photo of whatever represents Spring to You....and tell us why".

Spring has always been the best season for me ! I feel it like a rebirth after having been dead from October since now. Years ago I had deep seasonal depressions which started at autumn and finished in spring ! It was a desease which wasn't very well known and most of the people couldn't understand. Now I don't have it anymore but I am careful. Each year I go to Egypt into the warm sun and light that makes me support better the short grey and cold days. I also try to keep myself busy and do inside things. As soon as the sun is shining I am out to fill my tank with light.

In spring I feel full of energy ! I could pull out trees and feel just good. The air has a special smell because mother nature wakes up and trees, plants and flowers start to grow and bloom again and fill the air with this special spring parfume ! I love to go out on our patio early mornings (when it doesn't rain) and breeze deeply ! It smells far better than the most expensive parfume !

I love the first little, timid spring signs, like daisies in our grass, the first bushes blooming and the cats happily playing in the sunshine. That's when I feel like a newborn baby, although I am sure a newborn doesn't feel very happy after birth !

This is what I hate, naked trees, everything looking grey, even if there is some color when the sun is shining. I hate snow and therefore also black and white photos, they are depressing.

In autumn and winter I always want to move into a country which doesn't have any seasons, but in spring and summer I love to be here.

28 Mar 2010


More participants here at Sarcastic

Those who had a long, long winter with short days and no colors besides black, white and grey certainly want to see some flowers ! As mother nature is still quiet undressed and only starts to bloom very slowly, I went to a Garden Center to see how far the flowers are there.

It looked already pretty colorful

a very strange plant hanging from the ceiling, (not so my taste)

little garden figurine

and then nice garden decoration

sweet little piglets

romantic figurines

funny garden gnomes

and also fake flowers

Easter decoration started

these are fake flowers too

something for my garden !

and then these funny metal figurines

Easter bunny is there too

and also fake fruits

If you are sad or have hay fiever here are are nice tissus !