This is the ceiling of the reception hall

and it reflects in the little black tables there. They are out of a polished stone and very heavy

We went to the massage salon which at the same time is also a hair dresser and found this English girl there getting her hairs done in little pigtails like the African women do. We have 5 massages in total because we thought we have to spoil ourselves !

This guy thought he is very beautiful but everybody laughed at this strange "Cowboy" . There are all kind funny people to look at that so we don't have time to read a book at the beach ! We also saw Sean Connery but he spoke polish ! If I can I will take a picture of him, because he really looks like his twin brother (only a little younger).

Here I am sitting in front of our lunch, getting fat for Christmas. We only eat breakfast and supper in the Hotel. At noon we have a "little" snack.

Chantal on her way to the sea, she swims a lot every day. I am more lazy. If somebody wonders why she walks with crutches, she had polio when she was a little child.

When I got up this morning and went on our patio, I saw this beautiful sky !