2. I had to drive Mr. G. to a specialized hospital for a pet scan. He had lost a lot of weight and his doctor wanted to have him checked to see if there was something wrong. I dropped him off and left, as the whole procedure lasted more than 2 h.
3. As I was not far from Brussels' most posh area, the Ave. Louise, I thought I will go there, I hadn't been there since at least 30 years !

Except the Gallery I didn't recognize anything. The whole area had changed. There were now pedestrian areas and little streets with one restaurant besides the other ! It was packed with people and as it was so warm, they all had their lunch outside. I had two wraps there, walked a little around and then returned to pick up Mr. G.
4. My son with wife and grandson was on his way back home from Southern France, where they had spent a week of holidays. He called and told us that he would stop to say hello.

Toby's first action was asking for his toys which were in our guest room. Mr. G. helped him to carry up the box. Of course when you haven't seen something for a long time it looks like new. So he was very busy to play with all the little cars and airplanes.

Nonno and Nonna played a bit too !
Finally they decided to stay for supper. Fortunately I had pizzas and a plate of pasta for Toby in the freezer ! It was so unusually warm for mid-September that we could sit outside until they left for Amsterdam around 7 pm. I hadn't seen Toby since July and he had changed again. He had grown and speaks a lot in Dutch, which we have difficulties to understand, but he also makes an effort to say some words in French. Besides speaking French with his father, i.e the father speaks and the son replies in Dutch, he hasn't much opportunity to learn speaking French.

But language is not a barrier or at least shouldn't be, and he ate his watermelon with pleasure !
5. We have our new teacher in my painting class, I know her very well, she was in our class 2 years ago. She is actually very good and suits us perfectly.
I finished my last painting and have to look for inspiration for a new one !
Mr. G. got the results of his pet scan and was pleased that he has nothing !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.