something to laugh, for those who haven't seen that yet
Many people ignore this fact and often relate Waterloo rather to the Abba song "Waterloo" with which they won the European song contest "Eurovision" in 1974.
My my, at waterloo napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself
Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war ......
The song doesn't describes the battle but it is a fact that ever since this song became so famous, it was very good for Waterloo City ! With the song came the tourists ! If 35 years ago there were only very few tourists visiting Waterloo and it's famous Lion, now there are thousands coming from all over the world and especially when there is the reconstitution of the Waterloo battle. (here on my travel blog).
When I was in London, people often thought that I talked about the Waterloo Station and that I would live nearby and they didn't know that this station had been named Waterloo in honor of the Duke of Wellington who had won the battle against Napoleon there.
I will not give a history lesson here or copy tourist informations, you can read everything in Wikipedia about Waterloo or just google ! you will be surprised how many links you will find.
Waterloo had been a little cosy town almost a village 37 years ago when we bought our property. Now it is very demanded as a "posh" area to live. It is not far from Brussels only about 15 km connected with a motorway. Therefore you could be in Brussels in 15 min, but this is only theory, usually it takes you more than 1 h on working days and during office hours.
We have a lot of parcs and woods around Waterloo and although the population has doubled and many new houses built there is still a lot of green space.
Waterloo is also rather calm concerning criminality. Of course there are lots of burgleries because of the huge villas and rich people living here, but street attacks are very seldom. Haven't even heard of any.
Our farmer who lives near our house meantime became a millionair with all these demands of properties. In 1973, one square meter (10.7) costed 15 € ( today you have to pay up to 200 € (279 $) !
The house were Wellington lived during the battle is in the center of Waterloo just in front of the church and is a Museum today. Old Waterloo residents when they were kids, used to play in Wellington's bed when it was still an empty house. Wellingtons bed is very small, today a 10 year old child would fit in it.
When it rains (which it does very often) you can walk in the small shopping galeries, full of quite expensive boutiques and shops.
What did you do this weekend ?
1. | Jo, East Africa | 2. | Kathy Repin | 3. | DackelPrincess |