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Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. After our exhibition and then acqua gym on Monday morning, I fell asleep during "Escape to the Country" which I watched after lunch. I had to rewind to escape again ! Later I took cat Arthur to the vet because he didn't eat again. This time I didn't wait (only 4 days) to go to the vet, I was afraid he would loose a lot of weight again. He got a shot through the grids of the carrier, as he becomes a furious mini tiger and refuses to let him take out of his cage. Last time to examine him the vet had to give him anesthesia ! Usually he is such a good cat !
2. On tuesday it rained cats and dogs fortunately I had an appointment with my friend who just had a succesful breast cancer operation and to celebrate this we went to our favorite Pub/restaurant "La Pomme" (the Apple) and had a Beef bourguignon
Fajita with tortillas which was delicious.
3. After his visit to the vet, Arthur started to eat like a horse again and almost killed us !
I was sitting in the living room when suddenly I smelled something like an orange. I shouted to Mr. G. (I have to shout otherwise he doesn't hear) what he was doing in the kitchen and got the answer that he was in his office. But then he went and there was smoke all over the kitchen and in the whole house we could hardly see the furniture. Only the place where I was sitting was almost smoke free.
We opened all windows and doors and escaped into the garden where we caughed our lungs out ! It was terrible. Arthur in his eagerness to find some extra food had jumped on the vitro ceramic cooker and switched on one hot plate with his paw. Usually the oven is covered but this time it wasn't. On the hot plate stood a plastic cup with some medication in it and all this had melted to a pancake !
Fortunately we had been at home ! One thing is for sure, now the cooking plate is always covered ! What a work to scratch off the plastic pancake. With dissolvent used for nail varnish, I managed to get the worst off and the rest with a special scratcher.
Arthur at the vet, the had been plastic mug as a pancake and a happy cat, having set the house on fire (nearly) !
4. I finally got the flight tickets and hotel booking for my holidays in Egypt on November 3, and went to Chantal to check them and making plans for our holidays which means, reading, eating, swimming, sleeping and a lot of sunshine.
5. Our coffee break during painting class was even longer than usual, because we had to chat about our exhibition of course, the people who came, who sold a painting etc. I just had the time to paint half a sky.