Toby was in admiration in front of the dinosaurs and was not afraid at all, despite the fact that they were roaring very loud and made a lot of different sounds. He had got a plan with the explanation of each dinosaur and thoroughly put a stamp on each one he had seen. (I think he was the only kid who did that) He really was very interested. I too was impressed, when I saw the size of the trees and the size of the monster !

After having seen all species they watched a film showing the beginning and the end of the dinosaur period.
2. Of course that made us thirsty and we went to the Atomium Brussels' symbol and the boys admired the huge balls. In the last ball of the top is a restaurant.

After a drink we rested a bit before the boys wanted and ice cream.

which they got and ate it on "be. welcome" !

Then they watched two "dinos" who performed for a publicity.
And of course my friend made a picture of us with the Atomium in the background !
3. The next day there was nothing special to do for me, because Toby went with his friend, to the Belgian seafront where they wanted to visit a huge playground. I sorted out my photos and cleaned the house a bit, as my dear cleaning lady is on holidays !
4. It was scrabble day again and for once I was second ! Usually I am always at the end !
During our coffee break, we chatted of course !
5. It was Toby's last morning in Waterloo. When I wanted to pick him up at 10 am, they were all sleeping they had been so tired from the day at the sea. Finally we left at two. The highway was nearly free only trucks and a lot ! But we arrived without any problem. Toby slept most of the time he was sad and tired. Now I will stay in Amsterdam until Sunday and I hope the weather will be kind with me !