Another week went by and it seems to me more and more quick !

This time we had to dress in thick pullovers and play scrabble inside it was only 17 °C ! Last week the temperature was almost double and we could play outside. Dog Tosca saw our coffee break arriving and was very interested in the salmon toasts. This time we had a salty break with cherry tomatoes, olives and toast. We were only 3 because the two others were on holidays !
The bouquet I got for mother day looks still beautiful and fresh !
Despite our rollercoaster weather the rhododendron bush is blooming amongst my fake flowers in pots ! It's nice to have both, the most important is, that I don't have to work !

This is the truth ! Summer, winter, spring and autumn clothes are all hanging all together ! Useless to select them per season ! Yesterday I had to change 3 times, very cold in the morning, very warm in the afternoon, and cool in the evening ! We still have the heating timer set on 20° !

We were three to have lunch in this Lebanese Restaurant. I had already eaten Lebanese plates, and was disappointed of what was on offer here. It was presented like a buffet and you could eat as much as you wanted, but the food didn't taste good at least for me. I was surprised that they served carrots with peas in the main course !
And another week ended.