Yesterday we visited Meknes, another imperial city (for those who don't know I am doing a round trip through Morocco visiting the Imperial cities). Unfortunately a bird was sitting on the Internet connection and blocked the access. Today I am in Marrakech, where the trip ends.
Our group is easy to amuse, when we entered into a Mosque we had to take off our shoes off. When we came back, one shoe was missing. The poor victim claimed loud for his shoe and thought it was stolen. We told him that it is rather strange that only one shoe was missing !
After a while a little old man arrived with the shoe in his hand and grinned all over his face and we laughed and laughed, he had hidden the shoe. When we reached the bus another ran behind us with another sandal in his hand and everybody looked at his feet, which was rather stupid. but we had all our shoes, so one must have three legs ! It took a while before we realized that he made fun of us !
and here are a few pictures
Our guide in Meknes was a woman, she was so plenty of humor and we laughed all the time.
She asked us if we knew why men are always sitting in bars ? ... because they have a lot to think, how to change the world, but until now nothing useful came out.
How you can also do a round trip, it only takes a little longer !
The old part of Meknes, but everybody has his sattelite dish !
This is a statue of a water carrier and as he only drinks water (don't believe this) he is so skinny !
When we were looking for our shoes, and one was missing