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On thursdays I pick up Yanouk for a long walk. His mom is babysitting her grandson. When I open the door and put on his leash, he takes it in his mouth and leads me to the sidewalk. There he decides in which direction we would go. As I have no other plans I just let him walk me. At the beginning I look like somebody being on invisible water skies, pulled by a dog instead of a boat. He takes me from tree to tree from wall to wall from corners to corners. It is amazing how many things there are to sniff at and to water too !
Years ago men looked after me because I was quite a pretty girl. Today they look after Yanouk, because he is the beauty now. People I have never seen great me because they haven't realized that I am a different person as Yanouk's attendant. He is the king of the road. Little dogs bark their soul out of their bodies behind safe fences, Yanouk doesn't care, he doesn't even look.
While following him I am amazed how many plants, trees, corners etc he can water and he is still not empty. He always safes the last drop for just before his home. Sometimes we don't agree about our way. Especially when he feels that it would be the way back. Then he sits and looks at me, his eyes saying : try to pull my 60 kg (132 lbs) ! Of course I try, I am almost with my bottom on the sidewalk and pull and pull and he sits there and admires my gymnastic, until I remind myself that I am the boss and tell him that now, we really have to go.
Each time he sees a hedge he pulls me over there to scratch his back, he loves it and if he would be a cat he would purr. Then with his hind legs he scratches and throws the gravel or ground all around. I have to pay attention not to get it in my face.
When I bring him home, first thing is he drinks loudly a whole bowl of water and then collapses somewhere on the floor. He is exhausted and I too !
Should'nt have taken the last picture, it is not very decent !