I have the impression that when I start the week with a Monday as everybody, it's suddenly Friday and if I try to remember what I have done, I really have to rake my brain. I think I will note my "exciting" events in a calender !
We were three this time to scrabble and Nicole despite her brain cancer won, I was second, a miracle, probably because Myriam wasn't there, she is always lucky to pick out of the little bag, the best pawns.

Nicole's cat Isis watched cross eyed
We had a nice afternoon and were talking about our little day trips, but besides a Christmas market in Aachen (Germany) there was nothing interesting.
One misfortune comes seldom alone, the thermostat of the central heating showed a sign that something was wrong ! I called the company and I became a heating specialist ! Through the phone the guy told me what to do and fortunately I didn't make a mistake (because I am a woman, that would be normal) and finally we managed to "repair" the heating, anyway the radiators worked !
Switching on the TV I got a message that there was something wrong with the hard disk ! First I tried to fix it myself, reboot, switch on and off, take the hard disk out and put it in, with the result that nothing happened. Finally I called the customer service and then again with the help of the technician by phone we did it together exactly the same thing I had done before and suddenly the TV worked again ! However he was a little surprised that I knew already what he would say.

The trees only start slowly to loose their leaves, although we are approaching November.
The week ended with a terrible storm up to 90km/h and of course the rain was not missing. I absolutely had to go out to the Health insurance, because they had messed up the documents again, of course it was the fault of the Corona Virus lockdowns because it was an invoice from April and June ! Although the building is 3 min far by car, I have to call for an appointment, go through the whole menu and of course for fixing an appointment it was the last number .... 9. After having settled that, I had to go to the Bank, again with apointment and spending hours on the phone until you get a date and hour !
More and more we have to do things ourselves via telephone or computer, I wonder why they still have employes ! It's a miracle that my ear is not yet permanently red !
With my new neighbor we often get together in the morning dressed in our bathrobes and update each other on what happened and if we will visit Mr.G. because she really likes to got there.
If these long waiting time last, before I get the right button I will look like that !