2. My friend and neighbor Vivienne, should come home but first a medical service had to install an oxygen machine. As her daughter was working, I waited for them the whole day until it was finally delivered. Looks like a little radiator and has a 10 m long tube. The guy explained me how it works and I learned something new again !

Vivienne adjusting the oxygen tubes
The next day she was "delivered" by an ambulance. I immediately crossed the street to greet her and was so surprised how good she looked. I told her that I had expected a half dead person and she looked as if she just came from the hairdresser ! She had spent 2 weeks in intensive care and then a week in a normal room at hospital. As she had been dead for 20 sec, I asked her if she had been in this long dark tunnel with an illuminated Jesus at the end (as some people pretend to have seen) , and she laughed so hard that her chest hurt, the ribs are still not healed from the heart massage. She said, she couldn't remember a long dark tunnel and not even the devil at the other end. Now she is happy at home and we keep an eye on her if ever she would need some help, as she will be alone the whole day.

Dominique had invited us 3 to look at our pictures we had all taken during our Devon/Cornwall trip. It was nice to sit together afterwards in her garden and dog Charlie was happy to have such a nice female company. Of course he was more interested in the cake we had with our coffee. Nobody could resist his demanding look, he was starving apparently. We chatted about the "adventures" we had during our trip and I am sure that the rest of the street thought we were doing a Yoga Laughter exercise !
5. From the cold temperatures we had end of last week, where I even had to put the heating on, today it was too hot ! 35°C (95 F).

After our holiday painting get together, Ilona and I went to "our" little Greek restaurant, where we could sit in the garden and had a very good Gyros plate with fresh salad, for the same price as a desert in the Amsterdam Greek restaurant ! It belongs to two Greeks, father and son, the father can hardly speak French. They also have delicious pitas and other typical Greek food.

The rest of the day I spent sitting outside and moved as less as possible because of the heat, while Mr. G. had chosen the hottest moment of the day at 1 pm to clean our garden shed ! No wonder that he was completely exhausted after that !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.