21 Oct 2016


1. The weekend over, it started to rain ! We had a young male animator in aqua gym, our usual girl was sick, he had to slow down, because some of the old girls just couldn't follow. So we had a lot to laugh. In the afternoon I started to make headers for my different blogs and time flew by very quickly. Suddenly it was supper time !

2. Mr. G. for once told me that he is going out for lunch together with his Whist Club ! (That's probably why it's raining) Usually he will never go out for lunch ! This was a good excuse for me to again also go out for lunch, and I called Nicole, who was very happy, as her kitchen is now nearly empty she goes out for meals or warms up in the micro wave. This time we choose our little Greek restaurant and had a huge plate of Gyros, with salad and fries ! Enough to feed Charlie who lay under the table. After that we had a coffee in a Café and went into this nice boutique to see if they had something new on "Sales" !

Meanwhile Charlie had to wait outside and suddenly started to bark, what usually he never does. Nicole went out to see what happened, a lady stood there and thought the dog had been abandonned and was ready to call the Animal rescue center ! Nicole thanked her, and I wondered if Charlie would have let foreigners pick him up and put him in a car ! I doubt very much ! Only the idea made me laugh. I said so to Nicole and she had to laugh too. Charlie looked at us, but he is used to his two crazy female body guards !

3. I had been looking for a warm cardigan in mohair or something alike and found finally one which I liked.

on top it fits perfectly to Rosie ! She could be a very special accessory to my outfit !

4. I finished my paintings so that they can be hang up. It was a little difficult because I had painted on thick carton and had to pay attention that the nail didn't get through. Finally I managed and I hope that they will not fall down.  I didn't put a foot outside, it was a lousy weather, very windy, cold and alot of rain, real autumn weather !

5. During the night I woke up with terrible stomach cramps. Impossible to sleep. I tried gymnastic, belly rubbing and breathing exercises, nothing helped only that suddenly I also had to run to my litterbox. In the morning it wasn't better and I couldn't go to my painting class and help to hang up our masterpieces. Instead I took a pain killer and a cup of tea and fell asleep until the phone rang and woke me up. It was one girl of my painting class to tell me that the nail didn't hold ! I got killer instincts !  Of course I couldn't sleep anymore but I felt much better.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

more participants here at FIVE ON FRIDAY

20 Oct 2016


19 Oct 2016


Canine Unit of Waterloo police

more participants here


1. What would you say is your strongest sense?
I feel immediately the mood of people, which sometimes is very annoying

2. Do you believe in the idea of a 'sixth sense'? Why or why not?
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no, difficult to say

3. When do you most feel like a slave to time? Explain.
Never, I am quite good in organizing my time !

4. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How would you rate the experience? If you could own a restaurant what kind would it be?
I have never worked in a restaurant, and I don't want any, restaurants for me is to go out and eat ! 

5. Ever traced your family tree? Share something interesting you learned there.
No, and sometimes I regret that I didn't ask more about the family when my grandparents were still alive.  But when you are young you are more interested in the future !

6. What did your childhood bedroom look like?
It all depends until what age the childhood goes. Before 7, I didn't have a own room  my parents lived with my father's mother because they had nowhere to go, Frankfurt had been nearly completely destroyed during WW II. From 7 years on I had an own room with a lot of dolls and plush animals, when we moved to Bonn.

7. Anyone who knows me knows I love_CATS ! What a question !!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Nothing goes through my mind right now, only what I have to do today !

18 Oct 2016


Since September 22,  a new "village" with the nice name "Bella Vita" (Beautiful life)  in our city had been inaugurated by our mayor. The idea was to create a village where ideally old and young live together. From daycare to retirement home, apartments, flats and houses, everything is there to create a modern village !

When I moved to Waterloo, there was a  Farm-School at this place, since 1920. It had been created for young children in difficulty in the normal primary school. Fortunately the classified historic buildings on a 15-hectare area of land had been renovated. The works had been going on since about 3 years, and I had never realized what happened behind the high hedges, until suddenly the view was free and I discovered a whole new "village" !

A sky view

The entrance to the restaurant, swimming pool, library etc is here through the renovated old school building.

a little park

Here where once the children were running and screaming is now the way to the restaurant

which is very nice !

The swimming pool is a little small in my opinion

I loved the library and Charlie too

very important ! The sales office, there are still houses and flats for sale !

an overview on apartments and flats

The day care


The fitness room (not yet furnished)

The retirement home

A medical center just besides.

The whole complex looks beautiful, but I found it a bit too sterilized, too clean, the soul is missing. Maybe it will come later when all houses and apartments are occupied, when there will be more people in the streets and in the park. For the moment it looks a little lifeless.

more participants here

17 Oct 2016


On Saturday I absolutely had to prepare my paintings for the exhibition next Saturday. I needed some material to hang them up and also a spray to fix them because this time I used pastel.

Our guest room had initially been my painting studio, but as I don't paint anymore at home, it has definitively become a guest room. But sometimes I still have to use it like here to prepare my paintings for the exhibition.

Last week I had bought these very warm trousers in fleece but I hadn't seen that there was a top going with it.  And while I was looking for my painting stuff, I found it incidently in another town in the same shop !  The pullover is so cute with the hanging ears over the eyes. Now I am equipped for watching TV on cold winter evenings !

Although I always have a lap warmer

On Sunday was a celebration of St. Hubert, the Saint for animals. It took place in the beautiful ruins of The Abby of Villers la Ville.

Unfortunately I hadn't read the program properly so when we arrived the ceremony when all animals are blessed were over ! Nicole was disappointed, she wanted to have blessed Charlie !

The horses were apparently replaced by bikers, who made Charlie bark like crazy, because he hates them, and we had quite some difficulties to hold him back !

Opposite the ruins there was a café and people sat there having a drink. I think I have never seen so many dog breeds at once, but I liked the Dalmatians most.

The rest of the afternoon we spent on Nicole's terrace, it was so warm in the sun 23° just like a summer day !