that I had put on two different shoes. I had been so busy to check that the house and windows were closed, that I didn't realize. Usually Mr. G. takes care of that, but he is on holidays to visit his sister in Italy.
2. Once again the Waterloo city had organized a very nice trip for its seniors, this time to Thuin, a little town in Belgian Walloon.

We visited a tram museum, the hanging gardens of Thuin, a castle and a Distillery where we also had our lunch. We had all a lot of fun !

The lunch too was very good, we got an artisanal paté, as starter, followed by chicken with mushrooms and an ice soufflé together with white and red wine, and a coffee. Fortunately we didn't have to walk during our tram ride, because we all were full !
3. As Mr. G is away, I don't have to cook and instead went with a friend for lunch in the "Asian Garden".
4. My cat Pookie who approaches her 17th birthday, made me mad with her meowing the whole day. So I went to the Vet with her and now I have an appointment for taking out the last teeth. Apparently the meowing is normal with old cats because otherwise she is in good health. I got some homeopathic pills for her to calm her down ! I hope it works !
5. After my painting class, I moved my "office" outside on the terrace. The weather was wonderful and I felt almost on holidays.
Dominique saw me over the hedge and came over for a cup of coffee.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.