We returned to winter temperatures and the heatings are running full speed, especially in the mornings and evenings.
We were five for our Scrabble, a new member has joined us. Unfortunately she is so good that she made TWO Scrabbles and won of course. Nicole and I were the last onces ! As usual we had a lot of fun and the fruit cake was also very good. The fifth member is just going through a very ugly divorce battle after 39 years of marriage, which I personally find stupid, an official separation would be enough. The trouble was, she still loved him and was crying each time somebody mentioned a man. Now it's the opposite ! Thanks to a beard ! She had seen him again with a beard and the love disappeared all of a sudden, she found him so ugly ! I thought what teenage worries even the over 70 have !!
I had my shopping day, not very much to buy for food, but household products and some decoration stones for the garden. Just when I wanted to put my flowers in the 4 pots I had bought, it started to rain so I had a good excuse to sit down and watch a bit TV
With Mr. G being hospitalized I have a lot of paper work for the insurance company ! When I get all the useless papers which anyway land in the waste paper basket, I think what a waste ! It's anyway in the computer ! So finally I get all in double ! Makes me crazy.
I went with my friend Monique to visit him, and he looks a bit better. Apparently the flu and infections are gone and he could even walk with a walker of course. He also starts to notice the people around and even took the tablet in his hands I had brought him to play his beloved cards ! So far he always had refused and spent the days looking at the ceiling ! Maybe he thought that it is a landscape in the snow. Everything I brought him to distract him a bit he refused. It seems to become better. The only thing he wants is coming home, but that is impossible according to the doctor he has to stay at least 2 to 3 weeks more. Difficult ! He is not a very patient man !
Before I went to my painting class I had again a few papers for the Health Insurance. They know me know ! Fortunately they are all young women and very friendly. I felt completely empty and had no inspiration for a painting. So I put all my stuff on the table in the hope that inspiration would drop from heaven, but nothing dropped, and I gave up. Fortunately there was another one in the same state and we chatted.

For Nicole's birthday I had her cat Isis printed on a cup ! It had finally arrived and I brought it to her. She was really happy with the gift and I was happy that I had found something what she liked, it was her 80th birthday and that's an important date !
Doesn't she look great ? And all natural, no Botox or surgery !
more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.