I went to "my" Indian shop, a real Ali Baba cavern, walking around and looking for inspirations. I found some little things, had a cup of tea together with the other customers in the little tea corner and enjoyed the place. It's always so peaceful in there !
2. Somebody in the States had shown on a Blog a doll bed which she had bought at Ikea, not for a doll but for her cat ! I looked on our Ikea Website and found the bed. So I took the opportunity to go there, had lunch and found the bed !

Mr. G. assembled it and now it stands besides my bed for good old Pookie who because of her arthritis can't jump on my bed anymore, this way we still sleep side by side so to say.
3. On my way back I stopped at Ilona's for a cup of tea and a little chat before I continued my Christmas shopping in Waterloo.
4. Maybe you remember that I had made a few Christmas cards for the Waterloo Council and retirement home.

Today I was informed that this one had been chosen and was already at the printer ! That made me quite happy !
5. I needed some food shopping and afterwards I went to Nicole to bring her her flight ticket. I also had a bone for Charlie, but he wasn't allowed to eat it because he had an indigestion. So he sat in front of the fridge and whined he had smelled it although I had hidden the bone under my coat before I handed it over to Nicole ! We couldn't hear him anymore it was terrible, so finally she put him outside for a while, and we could chat in peace ! I wouldn't be surprised that he will sit in front of the fridge door the whole night !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.