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Jenny Matlock's Alphabet ThursdayLetter
"U"This morning laying in my bed I tried to breed a very nice, intellectual, shakespearelike (at least) post for our weekly Alphabet Thursday.
Therefore I had to choose a word starting with U and here it became difficult. I had no inspiration at all, I looked at the now white ceiling (it was just freshly painted last week) but my brain remained empty like a Dutch cheese with holes.
As I had to deal with a very
unstable person lately, I thought that this word would be perfect for a U post. I jumped out of my bed, went on Internet and looked under "
unstable person" just to learn a little more about these poor and probably also very unhappy people who never know what they really want and also suffer from serious inferiority complexes.
First thing I found was :
Unstable = unstable Person characterized by lack of emotional control. Seemed logical to me. But I also asked Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which told me :
"Redirect pageJump to: navigation, search InstabilityI had no intention to redirect pages to jump or navigate I only wanted more to know about "
unstable persons" and not about Instability, because this word doesn't start with a U !! Why do they call it instability if it comes from unstable ? It should be
Unstability !!
But at least I enlarged my knowledge about mental disorder, which apparently comes from "
A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective distress or disability that occurs in an individual, and which is not a part of normal development or culture.No definitively , that wasn't what I wanted, who would want to read a "Freud" post on a nice thursday afternoon ?

I put my hands under my skin and looked at cat Rosie who was grooming herself from top to bottom, but even that didn't give me any inspiration, besides the fact that Rosie didn't look
uncomfortable or in an
unstable postition !
Mulling over and over my problem I finally I came to the conclusion that there are far too much words starting with an "u"
just have a look and don't get dizzy
unnervate, unnerve, unnerved, unnerves, unnerving, unnesessary, unnest, unnestle, unnethe, unnethes, unnoble, unnobly, unnoted, unnoticeable, unnoticeably, unnoticed, unnotify, unnourished, unnumbered, unnumerable, unstable, unstableness, unstabler, unstablest, unstably, unstack, unstacked, unstacking, unstacks, unstained, unstamped, unstandardized, unstapled, unstarch, unstarched, unstate, unstated, unstates, unsteadier, unsteadies, unsteadiest, unsteadily, unsteadiness, unsteady,uakari, uberous, uberrima, uberties, uberty, ubeth, ubication, ubiety, ubiquarian, ubiquitarian, ubiquitaries, ubiquitariness, ubiquitary, ubiquities, ubiquitist, ubiquitous, ubiquitously, ubiquity, uchees, uckewallist, udal, udalborn, udaler, udalman, udder, uddered, udderless, udders, udometer, ufo, ufos, uganda, ugandan, ugandans, ugh, ughs, uglesome, ugli, uglier, ugliest, uglified, uglifier, uglifiers, uglifies, uglify, uglifying, uglily, ugliness, uglis, ugly, ugrian, ugsome, uh, uhlan, uhs, uintatherium, uitlander, ukase, ukases, uke, ukelele, ukeleles, ukes, ukraine, ukrainian, ukrainians, ukulele, ukuleles, ulan, ularburong, ulcer, ulcerable, ulcerate, ulcerated, ulcerates, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerations, ulcerative, ulcered, ulcering, ulcerous, ulcers, ulcuscle, ulcuscule, ule, ulema, ulexite, uliginose, uliginous, ullage, ullages, ullet, ullmannite, ulluco, ulmaceous, ulmate, ulmic, ulmin, ulmus, ulna, ulnae, ulnage, ulnar, ulnare, ulnaria, ulnas, ulodendron, uloid, ulonata, ulotrichan, ulotrichi, ulotrichous, ulster, ulsters, ult, ulterior, ulteriorly, ultima, ultimacies, ultimacy, ultimas, ultimata, ultimate, ultimated, ultimately, ultimateness, ultimates, ultimating, ultimation, ultimatum, ultimatums, ultime, ultimity, ultimo, ultion, ultra, ultracentrifuge, ultraconservative, ultraconservatives, ultrafiche, ultrafiches, ultrafiltration, ultragaseous, ultrage, ultrahazardous, ultrahigh, ultraism, ultraist, ultramarine, ultramicroscope, ultramicroscopic, ultramicroscopically, ultramicroscopy, ultramicrotome, ultramodern, ultramontane, ultramontanism, ultramontanist, ultramundane, ultrared, ultras, ultrasonic, ultrasonically, ultrasonics, ultrasonogram, ultrasonography, ultrasound, ultrastructural, ultrastructure, ultrasuede, ultratropical, ultraviolet, ultrazodiacal, ultroneous, ulula, ululant, ululate, ululated, ululates, ululating, ululation, ululations, ulva, ulvas, ulysses, umbe, umbecast, umbel, umbeled, umbellar, umbellate, umbellated, umbellet, umbellic, umbellifer, umbelliferone, umbelliferous, umbellularia, umbellule, umbels, umber, umbered, umbers, umbery, umbilic, umbilical, umbilicate, umbilicated, umbilication, umbilici, umbilicus, umbilicuses, umbles, umbo, umbonate, umbonated, umbones, umbos, umbra, umbraculiferous, umbraculiform, umbrae, umbrage, umbrageous, umbrages, umbral, umbras, umbrate, umbratic, umbratical, umbratile, umbratious, umbre, umbrel, umbrella, umbrellaed, umbrellas, umbrere, umbrette, umbriere, umbriferous, umbril, umbrine, umbrose, umbrosity, umhofo, umiak, umiaks, umlaut, umlauted, umlauting, umlauts, ump, umped, umping, umpirage, umpire, umpired, umpires, umpireship,
and if you don't have found enough words starting with
U you = u can continue to read by clicking
here and ask for "U". I think it goes until the letter
unzipped at least, which now inspires me for a post about
unzipped trousers. But for that I wait for next