For 10 am usually when we had a break she had prepared a sandwich for me, which were two slices of dark grey dry bread with something in it mostly cheese or something else. We had no plastic at that time no sandwich paper it was just after the war and people took what they could get. Fortunately we were under American occupation and had bread ! The sandwich was wrapped in grey paper, other children had theirs wrapped in newspaper paper, because they hadn't anything else. Lunchboxes didn't exist either.
Of course the sandwich when I unwrapped it tasted awful because it was even more dry. But if you are hungry you gobble down whatever you get ! and that's what I did.
Then after a while we got the first plastic foil and my mother had wrapped my bread in this new invention ! I can still remember when I took out my sandwich this time, it tasted so good it was not dry anymore and for once I ate it with appetite.
Those who had their sandwiches wrapped in Newspaper paper know the difference between paper and plastic foil !
Fortunately today you have lunch boxes...
My first roll and white bread I ate when I was around 13 ! I didn't even know that other breads existed !
The schools in Germany have not changed, but they start more and more to join the all day system, because women want to work and not only doing household things.
Linking to SOCS - Wrap