19 Jul 2024


As always, the week started with rain and we had to play cards indoors. Nothing special happened except that I was in a bad mood and preferred to keep my mouth shut. In the evening I took half a sleeping pill that my doctor had prescribed for me because I could never fall asleep, with the result that I slept for 12 hours and only woke up at 10 because Rosie had probably waited long enough for her breakfast and was walking around on me. I probably needed that because I felt much better.

I had been to the City Hall for my new identity card and now I have to wait that I get an email to pick it up myself. Fortunately with me there is no problem, because I still drive but for those in a wheelchair  it becomes a problem, but the lady there told me that in this case an employee comes to them ! That will be the last identity card I will get, because there is no expiring date on it anymore ! The funniest thing was that my picture looked exactly like 10 years ago ! The lady at the counter was surprised, she thought I had brought an old photo. But it's true that you don't see the wrinkles on a photo !

Then the weather changed and it became like it should be in summer ! We could play cards outside and I stayed longer on the terrace.  

I did my little shopping, I needed shampoo and several other little things it was quite hot and I hurried home to play Bingo with the others. That's always funny !

I have tried if my tablet works on the terrace, and it did, but very slow and only when I sat near the entrance ! 

Little Rosie now knows when lunch is served, long before I hear the trolley, she suddenly lifts her head, makes big eyes and licks her mouth. So I know exactly that minutes later, my lunch is served. But she never asks for food, she only likes her cat food, which I don't like ! I could leave a chicken wing and she won't touch it.

3 window cleaners came and poor Rosie was shocked ! Three men in my room ! Like a flash she disappeared under my bed ! They need so many because the castle is big and there are many windows which are large and high ! It took them half a day to clean at least the main part. 

In the afternoon we had a funny card game, where we didn't have to move too much, as the temperature reached now 30° ! And then I talked to a lady who is here because she broke her hip and stays here until she is healed. She likes it very much and we chatted together. The others went inside and waited for their supper. 

Since I had said once that Rosie likes feathers, I found this for her on the table ! Isn't that kind ?

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

17 Jul 2024


1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for?

I rake my brain, but nothing comes into my mind.  I was used to solve my problems alone and even those of my mother so I took the things I didn't know or was not prepared just as they came and tried to solve them.

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession?

Most prized possession ? I really don't know, it probably depends on the estimation of a specialist. I sold my mother's jewelry for a good price, but kept everything Rick has offered me. That's precious to me and has no prize. 

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Do you own anything that is peach in color?

I love peaches very much, especially as fruit, just bite in it and enjoy the taste. I would also eat a peach pie or an ice cream with peach taste. I have nothing in peach color, my colors are more vivid, peach is too soft for me.

4. What makes a friendship successful?

My "friend" and I during a tour around the UK, here we are in Edinburgh

There is no recipe. My best friend, I had known for over 20 years, and we were very close, we shared all our worries and problems went out and traveled together. She was already great grandma, but hadn't seen her 5 grandchildren for 7 years because she had a fight with her daughter. 

That should have made me suspicious , because she never really told me why. Her sister and I insisted that she should make peace with her daughter, and finally it happened. I stood at her side and comforted her in her regrets that she didn't recognize her grandchildren anymore ! 2 years later she dropped me like a hot potato because I was no longer as funny and available due to Rick's illness. She wrote to me that I was getting on her nerves and that she didn't want to see me anymore. I was blown away, I wasn't prepared for that at all. That hurt me a lot, especially because it was during the time when I needed comfort the most. She also knew Rick very well, but didn't come to his funeral ceremony. 

Ever since  I have become very suspicious of "best" friends or friendship.  However, I still have a good friend in Germany whom I have known since we were at school; we were both 10 years old. We see each other regularly and talk on the phone often. She has now even become a great-grandmother!
As kids and as grandmas !

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? ice cream or snowcone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset? 

I am already on holidays since mid November ! Our park is so beautiful, that the only thing I miss would be a swimming pool. I get up when I want, my breakfast is always on my table. Most of the time I don't hear when the girl comes in. I could go on holidays, but this year with this strange Jo-Jo weather, I prefer to stay here and take the sun (if it's warm an sunny) ! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I don't have any thoughts for the moment, except always the same, I miss my man so much and this


16 Jul 2024


The Berlaymont towers over the entire district

an old catholic church is squeezed between old and new buildings

Bruxelles was full of these old mansions, unfortunately an entire district was demolished to build the Berlaymont, and create the European quarter.




more participants here, and Image-in-ing

14 Jul 2024



Arthur and Charlie, both gone over the rainbow bridge








My son  and grandson came for the weekend, combining visiting his friend and friend's son, they know each other since their first month of life !

As he arrived around 7 pm. on Friday evening, the three of us had a very nice real pizza in a real Italian restaurant, where nothing had changed in the Italian kitchen, which is usually the case, that they adapt to the food of the country they work. It had been excellent. 

On Saturday afternoon Dario came visiting me and we spent the afternoon together, and had a coffee with the other residents. He changed the place of my fridge which had been just underneath my TV and that disturbed me. Now it looks nice, it's out of my view besides the entrance. Then we were looking for a bank card reader, which of course we didn't find. I have to look another time or ask for a new one.  I have everything in my phone, I don't know for what the reader is good now, everything has changed. Toby stayed with his friend, they hadn't seen each other "life" since a few month, and the last time both had the same size and now Toby is taller !

Benji is 5 month older then Toby and is also tall. Toby measures now 1.87 m, and I became the little one !

At 5pm Dario returned and I was a bit tired. I had my supper, watched a little movie and then went to bed. Suddenly at 11pm somebody made a firework and I could see it from my bed ! It was very beautiful and lasted quite long ! As it is not allowed to do fireworks in the middle of the year without official reason like New Year or National Day, they certainly got a fine. 

On Sunday they both came early afternoon,  after having played Golf both with their sons. We made a a walk around the park and then saw the others coming on the terrace to play a game. Toby asked me if he could join and I told him of course you can and finally all three of us took a seat. One of them looked up at Dario and shouted, “you are so tall, you scare me ! ” we laughed !

They both had a lot of fun.  The game was simple: someone drew a card with a word on it, e.g. "Superman." Of course, not everyone knew the good Superman, so we helped a little and Kim pointed to his socks with the Superman pictured on them. To which the good lady's answer was "aww, that's Tino Rossi." We had to laugh so much that some of them actually cried. I don't know if he was known outside France, but here he was very famous singer to those who were in their 90. My grandson also had a lot of fun, especially when the answers weren't correct at all. 

I was happy that both weren't bored, it seemed that they appreciated to play with us oldies ! and we appreciated too, to have  younger generations amongst us !

Then it was time to drive home to Amsterdam and after having waved good bye I returned to the others and had my coffee.

We chatted together the main subject was the size of my two men ! It's impossible to loose them !