As our Scrabble friend was still sick, I had proposed to come to us and at the same time "admire" my new TV furniture and the Christmas decoration.

After an interesting Scrabble game which I lost, but won't commit suicide for that, we had the Italian Christmas cake
Panettone and a blueberry cake with whipped cream, which was very much appreciated by cat Arthur who sits besides Mireille. Despite his old age of 18 and deaf, he still is very sociable. We spent a nice afternoon, talking about the different ways now we have to celebrate Christmas with our families.
I will be the first on Saturday to celebrate Christmas Eve ! Our son had proposed that date because of his wife's patchwork family which has to be visited too. As he has off during Christmas and New Year, but my DIL has to work, she will return on Sunday and he on Tuesday.
This year I feel that I am getting older and also suffer from my COPD disease probably due to this strange weather, I get asthma attacks, and have to rest. My son proposed to take care of everything and that I don't have to do anything ! And instead of celebrating the 5 of us, he also has invited his friend with wife and two kids. Makes nine. I don't know how this will work, because we need a lot of plates and cutlery most of it is in the basement as we never receive so many people around a table, it's mostly a buffet. I try not to be worried but Mr. G. is very nervous and that is contagious.
The city had organized a Theatre play for us seniors with cake and champagne afterwards, to celebrate New Year. The play was called "Grammar" and lots of people laughed, but I found it a bit boring and behind me a man snored loud with the mouth wide open and got some kicks from his neighbor ! But it was a very nice afternoon.
My son sent me these pictures from Toby

To show me how he has grown in one year ! He has his hairs cut, I personally prefer it a bit longer at least the ears covered. It's in the family we all have a bit sticky out ears, me, my son and now Toby too ! Would have been better to inherit his mum's ears.
We also had our year's end Christmas party in our painting class ! It was really nice
everybody had brought a plate and the table was loaded with food. With that we had Champagne, or orange juice or water. But there was also Champagne without alcohol and these bottles disappeared first !
Of course nobody had lunch after that, we gathered in a cafe for a coffee and a little chat before we all went home.
more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.