Arthur keeps me company when I lay on the sofa !
2. I looked like a witch, only the broom was missing, although it would have been very practical to float through the rooms instead of walking on my hurt foot !
Therefore I went to the hairdresser. I was not the only one who had this idea, because I had to wait an hour until it was my turn. But we chatted together and the time went by quickly and now I have a new head.
3. The monthly lunch menu in the "Lunch Garden" was steak, chips, salad and vegetables. Nicole and I thought it was a good idea to have lunch together and of course Charlie too, who waited if a piece of steak wouldn't drop from the table.

In the Carrefour store
After lunch I had a snail walk to the computer department to look for a new little travel laptop. My fall had been so heavy that my computer which hang in a bag over my shoulder broke in two ! That's probably what saved me from further injuries besides my ankle. Of course in this case the insurance doesn't interfere, and asking something from the Egyptian airport would be a a waste of time ! There were many to choose from, the "hybrides" tablet/PC with a keyboard, I didn't like, they were far too heavy and then the tablet would be the cover of the PC and each time you have to fix the two together. Anyway for the moment I don't need one, so it was only a market research.
Looking at all the Christmas decorations made my heart heavy. This year it will be the first time that we will celebrate Christmas Eve and Day alone. My son wanted to come on Christmas day at 5 pm but for me Christmas is then over and how to explain to a 6 year old little boy, that Father Christmas doesn't come through the chimney in the morning but late afternoon or even evening, as they want to go to my DIL's mother before. We were surprised, because they celebrate St. Nicolas much more than Christmas, and we had thought that Christmas was for us. Never mind. The only thing to do to get not too much hurt is building a wall around your heart and each time you are hurt you put another line of bricks.
4. I had bought Karkade tea for Ilona and brought it to her. She had a little Christmas tree and her living room was nicely decorated. As I am not at all in Christmas mood, I forgot to take pictures.
We talked the whole afternoon about the year's end festivities ! For many it is not a joy but a chore.
When I drove home I saw the Waterloo Christmas tree in front of the church for the first time.
5. In our painting class we also talked about Christmas. Many are alone because either they have no family or the children prefer to celebrate with somebody else. The reactions are all different. One wanted to go to bed, one said she would buy a bottle of Champagne and drink it alone, one thought about going dancing, I thought everything in life has a first time, and in our 47 years of marriage it will be the very first time that we are alone at Christmas Eve as a couple. Before we celebrated with my parents, then with my parents and our son, then with him and his family and now alone. Mr. G. nevertheless insisted that I do a Christmas decoration, at first I had thought to do nothing at all.

Our painting room was nicely decorated with a Christmas tree and Father Christmas at the wall.

Quickly our good humour won and we laughed about Helene's (in the red apron) creation, because she wanted to give it a name and we hesitated between "murder", or "menstruation" ! That's why we laughed that much !