The next day I went over to Dominique to help her to prepare her living room for the party ! We had a lot of fun doing it, her little 3 year old granddaughter Lucy "helped" too, I think she had never seen that in her life !

For the buffet we all had to bring one plate and our drinks. I prepared salmon sandwiches which I cut in triangles of course supervised by Arthur who fortunately had got his share of salmon before, so that I could work in peace ! I was quiet happy with the result. I had also bought a "Pain surprise" (litteraly translated Surprise Bread) a loaf of bread which had been emptied so that only the crust remains and which is then filled with all kinds of little sandwiches.

At 8 pm, when everybody had arrived I quickly took a picture of the untouched buffet ! There was my "Surprise bread", a very yummy potatoe salad, a terrine of smoked trout (the white circle) slices of meatloaf and Hungarian/German potatoe pancakes which Ilona had prepared. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the delicious apple cake and the Tiramisu Chantal had made herself.

and here we are, all my friends Dominique, Ilona, Chantal, Nicole and Marianne who is also German. We are all 70 to 76, except Dominique and Chantal ! For once Mr. G. joined the party and therefore I had asked to make a picture of us ... in memory !

Dominique lit the fire in the chimney and dog Charly and little Kiwi were happy to have such a lot of company. Of course they wandered from one person to the other in the hope that they also got some of the food. There was an other man too, a friend of Mr. G, the husband of Marianne. So they had to endure 7 chatting women, but from time to time they also managed to place a word !

Then came the moment where we did the Lead pouring Bleigiessen, a German New Year tradition. Everybody got a piece of lead in the shape of a clover leaf, anchor, etc, which was put in a special spoon, held over a candle and when it had melted the person with the spoon throw it into cold water. Ilona was fascinated by this game and we all tried to see what figure had come out, she had an abstract looking dolphin and I a bird with strange wings. Now we have to find out what that means. I don't remember what the others had. Mr. G. made raindrops !
At midnight we all lifted our glass of champagne and wished each other a happy New Year. Poor Charlie trembled like a leaf although the 9 of us tried to comfort him but he is so afraid of fireworks. Poor boy. Unfortunately no lap was big enough for him to use, but he tried !
At 2 am we were tired, and they all went home, Mr. G. and I helped Dominique to put the furniture in place, then we left too. What a nice New Year's Eve !
5. Now all the festivities are over and we can relax again. That's what I did the whole day, I just went to Dominique to put her pictures on my USB stick, then I was busy with my photos after having watched a nice crime story and a life series called "That's your history", where adopted children tried to find out their biological parents, sometimes with a disastrous result.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
More participants here at A rural Journal.