I quickly wrote a post about the countries I had seen and then I had to go to Nicole for our Scrabble group. I felt a bit strange, still half on holidays and half at home.
The next day it became hot around 30°. I stayed home, the windows and shutters closed, unpacked my suitcase and fell into pieces, because without air conditioning the slightest physical effort became very hard work ! I decided to do the rest next day and rather file the 400 pictures I had taken, into the right folders. A part from that I was hanging in front of the TV with the fan on and suffered in silence. The cats suffered too.
It even went worse the temperature went higher and Northern Europe was suffering a heat wave. We started with 35° in the morning and I sent my cleaning lady home because it was too hot to clean. She insisted to clean at least the floors and then she said good bye for 3 weeks returning to Poland where she is coming from and there it is not cooler !
Nicole was fed up to sit in the dark in her apartment and came over and we could sit outside under the Pergola with the fan and the heat was supportable. Besides eating an ice cream and drinking a lot of water we didn't do anything else. The News were full of suggestions what to do against the heat, so that they nearly forgot to mention the new British Prime Minister, who not only looks like a brother to Mr. Trump, but who also wants to make the UK great again. We don't need circuses anymore we have enough clowns in world politics !
We had decided to continue our painting class, but it was so hot already in the morning, that most of us didn't come. We finally were four, but enjoyed the air conditioned room and stayed chatting instead of painting. It was so nice and cool.
Then came the (I hope) highest point of temperatures ! The thermometer climbed up to 40° (104 F) in Brussels and Paris even higher. Impossible to do something in this heat. Finally I had enough, took my air conditioned car, picked up Nicole and we went to the Carrefour Lunch Garden to have ice cream and coffee. It was so nice there that we stayed 3 hours and didn't even realize. Mr. G. called and wondered where I was !
I wanted to start my travel report, but in this heat it is impossible, so my head inside looks like this :

all towns and countries like a puzzle !