I couldn't take a picture of her face, because each time I tried, she ran towards me and the only picture I got was her nose !
2. I still suffer from a terrible lack of energy and am tired. I thought maybe another head would do me good, and went to the hairdresser. I asked to just cut what had grown half a cm, but when I saw my head at the end I thought her cm must be bigger than mine.

Each time I look in the mirror I think it is another person, but hairs grow.
3. My friend and neighbor since 42 years, was in a terrible state she had lost her little dog because he was very old and just couldn't make it anymore. I hope there will be no other animals dying around me !
4. The house just besides ours where Dominique lived before her marriage is now for rent. I saw it on a poster. For 15 years we had shared our lives, went on travels spent New Years together and she was part of the family, since her marriage in September I saw her once, where she excused herself that she had never called and then she invited me for lunch the following week. This had been just after New Year and ever since I haven't heard of her. The last week she was here with her new husband to paint some rooms, but she didn't even come over to say hello. We didn't move either. Nobody understands her behaviour, not even her children.
We had no painting class because of school holidays, and as the weather was cool and grey, 3 of our group of 5 decided to play Scrabble.

This time my Pookie and Arthur stayed with us, as Charlie wasn't there anymore. They were no problems between them, but maybe the cats didn't like his dog perfume. As usual Mireille who is half blind won and I for once had a good score, had never had so many points ! We had a chatty afternoon with a good apple cake. Mr. G. came later and tried to put his nose in our game, but we chased him away ! Poor man.