26 Jun 2010


Shakira from "You are never alone" asked me to co host this meme together with her and I am very happy about it. Just do a funny post, something which makes us laugh that's the most important. It can be messed up pictures, or funny pictures, or funny stories etc.

So please leave your link below if you are participating and have fun with us.

And of course there also is

here at Me & My Memes


Last weekend was the reconstitution of the Waterloo battle and the town was full of soldiers in their historical uniforms. On Friday without any problem I made it through to the Lion, although all streets around the Lion were blocked, but I invented a story that I was a personal friend of the mayor and had forgotten my permission card. Of course this wasn't true but it worked.

I shot my photos of the battle scene preparations thinking that it was more interesting, because battle photos you can see far better elsewhere then on my blog. (I will show them for "My World" on Tuesday)

On Sunday I went back, or at least I intended so, to take some pictures before the battle took place and also of the soldiers and horses. No way to get near my Lion on my usual street. So I decided to take another street, the one I always take going back home, but I had never done the other way around. Of course I took the wrong exit, landed up on a highway and found myself suddenly in front of a huge movie theatre, which when I want to go there I never find. Now I was completely lost. I didn't even see my lion anymore.

Fortunately I always have Madame GPS with me. I switched her on and asked the way to the Lion. That beated everything ! 35 years I live here and the Lion and I are friends, but see, with my sense of orientation I could only be happy not to have landed up in France and follow Napoleon after the battle ! Of course no way to approach the site and disgusted by myself and also because it had started to rain, I ordered Madame GPS to take me home, which she did.

on my way back I saw two soldiers who had to walk to the battle field because they missed the bus !

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

25 Jun 2010


This week I had nothing to show or tell about, so I joined Susanne at Living to tell the Story for the Friday's fav 5.

1. The summer started officially on Monday of this week. I had to check it twice because we had 12 ° (57 F) and I had to put the heating on. It also rained cats and dogs. I just wanted to do like my cat Arthur, sitting on the heating and then nap the whole day !

2. I found a letter in the mail informing me that the water would be cut off from 9 am til 5 pm. Of course this had to happen my cleaning day. I filled up the bath tube, buckets and pots to be sure to have enough water for the whole day. After only 1 h the water was running again and I remained with my tube and buckets.

It took 4 days to empty the tube by throwing a bucket in the toilet after use.

3. Last weekend I went to the Waterloo Lion to take some pictures of the preparations for the reconstitution of the battle.

It was a big preparation, the biggest one ever with tribunes for the VIP's and people with well furnished wallets. Soldiers in their historical costumes did shopping in the supermarkets before they were "killed" in the battle.

4. Of course I couldn't miss the Royal Wedding which took place in Sweden

and armed with tissues I watched the whole ceremony from beginning till the (happy) end.


I had met a friend I hadn't seen for quiet some time so she invited me to see her little one year old grandson, which I did as you can see, training myself for the grandma job in November

24 Jun 2010


more participants here

13 funny quotes in pictures

23 Jun 2010


more participants here

The sculpture of a water carrier in Morocco, he is so skinny because he only drank water (that's what the guide said) but his feet are big !

22 Jun 2010


is here

21 Jun 2010


The good Melli saved Fun Monday in extremis, and asks :

Show me (or tell me about) that ONE item in your house that you would just LOVE to put in the next neighborhood yard sale - or take to the dump - but that for SOME reason you just "can't"... and share the reason too!

Now that is not very easy for me, because when I don't like something I just throw or give it away. I am not a person who hangs on special objects or things in general. If tomorrow my house would burn with all its content, I would start to built a new one, with a new cat collection. That's what I think theoretically, fortunately practically it hasn't happened. But it's true I don't really keep on old things.

But there are two items which I always wanted to get rid of and they are still in a plastic bag in the basement. They take not much room but still, why do I keep them ?

They are two of my very first dolls from my childhood, very damaged by my son when he was 2 years old and my mother had given him my dolls what I didn't know. When I realized it, it was too late. I should have let him break them completely ! Now I am sitting here with the ruins and don't want to throw them away.

That's why they are still there. It's probably up to my son to finish the work he had begun when I am in heaven or hell.

20 Jun 2010


are here