21 Dec 2018


When you stay for two weeks in a hotel you start to know the guests and as you don't know their name yet, you give them surnames. There was a little old lady round from top to bottom, which had a different hat every day. I never saw her without a hat. The hat always fitted with her clothes, a dress, shorts or even a bathing suit She had hats in all colors, black, red, and white and always with a ribbon around and flowers in different colors, which looked very cheerful.

The only thing was the hat didn't really fit with a bathing suit, it looked a bit strange. With her dresses she even looked as if she were invited to a reception of the Queen. We called her "Madame Chapeau" which means "Mrs Hat" !

Unfortunately I only could take a picture twice, the black and white hats with beautiful flowers are missing !

Last year we had seen her at the same time and admired her hats at each meal ! She changed every day. We asked ourselves how she had put all these hats in her suitcase ? I wondered if she would also sleep with her hat ?? However I never saw her in the swimming pool with her hat, but walking around the pool in her bathing suit and a fitting hat.

Linking to Five Minute Friday with


On Monday when I looked in the mirror, I thought that I looked like a witch, with my hair too long and hanging around. Decision made, I hurried to my hairdresser, who takes clients without appointment. Of course on a Monday there are not a lot of women going to the hairdresser, because they rather go on a Friday to be beautiful during the weekend. I was lucky I only had to wait for 30 min. Then I felt much better and returned home to finish my Christmas decoration.

We met for the last time this year for Scrabble and it was Myriam's turn. She had just a little decoration inside as she celebrates at her daughter's but she had a nice garland on her tree in front of the house.

Here we are coming out, leading Mireille who is half blind but always wins the Scrabble !!

Waterloo city had invited it's seniors to a Christmas celebration, with a cabaret show followed by a reception with Champagne and snacks.

The city hall from outside

and inside. It was very nice and we met a lot of people we knew. We are all getting old together. Some are already missing, but that's life.

Somebody from "my" hotel in Egypt has sent me this beautiful picture of my holiday love "Oscar" the camel in full parade outfit, with its owner.

Isn't he beautiful ? I had never thought I would miss a camel !! The owner is the son of a farmer who stands in front of the hotel with Daddy's camel and people pay a Euro (that's now the money in fashion, no dollars or British pounds anymore) for photos. Guests also bring appels, oranges and bananas for the camel. This guy is clever, with the money he earns and I think it's quite a lot he pays his studies at university ! A nice and interesting student job !! And on top, he improves his English !

The British people who since years are coming to this hotel were quite upset about this Brexit idea, now nobody wants their pounds anymore and they had to change it into Euros or Egyptian pounds. Nobody really knows if they can travel as before without filling in tons of papers.

It was the last day before Christmas holidays and instead of painting we had a little Christmas party.
Everybody had brought something for the buffet and finally we really had more than enough !

The nearly empty table was filled with delicious snacks and cakes. We had a lot of fun.

Before I went on holidays I had made a "pouring painting" and had left it in our class.

Now after a little more than 3 weeks it was dry and I took it home and hung it up in our living room.

After the party I invited a few girls for a coffee at home. And we continued our chats. Now it will be more then 2 weeks that we won't see each other.

To all of you !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

19 Dec 2018


My little helper (??)

more participants here
and Image-in-ing

To all of you

17 Dec 2018


This weekend I finally managed to prepare the Christmas decoration. First I wanted to do it on Saturday, but I had to do some shopping and in the afternoon I was invited by Ilona to see her decoration. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures, her decoration was really beautiful.

She gave me this cute cushion for our new sofa, a soft lady bug ! Nice for the back.

Some work was done in our neighbors garden, early morning I don't know what it was but it was very loud !

For the Christmas market the carousel was already standing, but nothing else. I wanted to go there on Sunday, but when I looked out of the window in the morning and saw rain mixed with a bit snow, I thought I stay home and attack the Christmas decoration.

Mr. G. carried the boxes from the basement into the living room, and then collapsed in a chair.

We put it both together and then I was also exhausted ! The old couple decorating a Christmas tree became a hard work, and for years I made it with pleasure and wasn't tired at all !

The only one who didn't suffer but was amused was cat Arthur who tried to help, which Mr. G. refused with the little energy which was left.

Finally the garlands also hang from one end to the other in the room. No cat touched it so far. I hope there will be no catastrophe tomorrow morning.

The TV was also decorated

and the open fire.


And at the end our Christmas tree was ready ! And we both felt as if we had climbed the Himalaya and I have learned some new "%£@§# Italian words !

The merry Christmas started !

And as this is my world in our world for the moment I link to

Ready for the family !!

more participants here