Despite the rather cool temperatures Nicole went swimming in the heated pool, where other courageous were swimming too ! I didn't inspire me at all !

Instead I made a little tour through the reception hall which I hadn't really noticed when we arrived, and discovered even a little space for kids.

In the afternoon we went to Cabourg the next little town, which is very beautiful. We did a long walk along the beach admired the architecture of the houses.

I entered the "Grand Hotel" and have to say it was really grand !

I had noticed that each town has its own Casino.This was the one of Cabourg. Of course I only could see the entrance and the restaurant, not the games.

We returned to Dives sur mer to the place where William the conqueror launched the Norman conquest of England in 1066. We met the responsible of the site who was very pleased to explain to us the whole history. I think he was a little offended when Nicole told him that it is a shame that the buildings are so neglected and I added that on the other side in England it was not at all the case.
After a nice drink we returned home, and went to the same restaurant we had been on our first day, and I ate mussels with chips, which was excellent.
We will leave on Monday and return home. I don't think that I ever will come back here, the weather is just too bad and with its neglected patrimony it's rather depressive. I prefer by far England on the other side of the channel !