Today is
Mrs. Lifecruiser's birthday go over and wish her all the best !

created for me by Cindi !
If you run out of ideas for TT write about yourself !
1. I have the age which is written in my passport. But ! and a but there is, everybody tells me that I haven't changed at least inside (the shell is another story) and that I am still as "crazy" as in my teenage years.
2. My family situation is very simple, I am married with the same Italian since 38 years. We have one little son of 34 who is 2 m (6.6 ft) long and doesn't need a ladder, which was very useful when he lived with us.
3. My passport also says that I am german but I live since ages here in Belgium could have the Belgian nationality but don't see why, as the laws are for everybody the same, so I decided to be an European.
4. When our family is together, we have 3 1/2 countries united around the table : Italy, Germany, Holland and a mixture (my son is German and Italian, with his length he needs to have two nationalities) The dutch is his girlfriend.
5. There are no language problems, Mr. Gattino and I speak german together, with my son french and when his girl friend is there, we all speak english or everything together or everybody speaks what he wants for himself. No language problems in this family !
6. 5 cats are living in our household. Very important and not to forget. There too is no language problem, as three of them are Belgians one meauwing in dutch, and the two others in french. The rest meows in english as they are both from London. When we are all together we represent the future United Europe !
7. As it's already said in my profile I like to paint and am a leisure painter. Once a week I am in a painting group, where we paint, learn, and mostly laugh.
8. Since about one and a half year I discovered that I like to take photos too. With a digital camera it became so easy.
9. My life's motto is, getting fun out of everything and even problems. With humor everthing is easier to take.
10. I like to go out, visit expositions and to travel and try to see the most of the world before I disappear in a coffin.
11. From time to time I go to Amsterdam where my son lives now and like to go around and visit expositions or just sitting in the bus boats and look at the beautiful buildings surrounding the canals.
12. I have a few very good friends, one even since I was 7 years (!) and a lot of others to go out with.
13. Of course I am convinced that I have a very good temper, although some other people pretend I haven't, especially the man I live with.

I have got this wonderful award some time ago from
Linda and
Emmyrose and thank them very much. The same award I saw on
Mar's blog and I thought I would create one for her personally :

Here are two versions. But of course feel free to help yourself for your own blog !