3 Oct 2007


Today is Mrs. Lifecruiser's birthday go over and wish her all the best !

created for me by Cindi !

If you run out of ideas for TT write about yourself !

1. I have the age which is written in my passport. But ! and a but there is, everybody tells me that I haven't changed at least inside (the shell is another story) and that I am still as "crazy" as in my teenage years.

2. My family situation is very simple, I am married with the same Italian since 38 years. We have one little son of 34 who is 2 m (6.6 ft) long and doesn't need a ladder, which was very useful when he lived with us.

3. My passport also says that I am german but I live since ages here in Belgium could have the Belgian nationality but don't see why, as the laws are for everybody the same, so I decided to be an European.

4. When our family is together, we have 3 1/2 countries united around the table : Italy, Germany, Holland and a mixture (my son is German and Italian, with his length he needs to have two nationalities) The dutch is his girlfriend.

5. There are no language problems, Mr. Gattino and I speak german together, with my son french and when his girl friend is there, we all speak english or everything together or everybody speaks what he wants for himself. No language problems in this family !

6. 5 cats are living in our household. Very important and not to forget. There too is no language problem, as three of them are Belgians one meauwing in dutch, and the two others in french. The rest meows in english as they are both from London. When we are all together we represent the future United Europe !

7. As it's already said in my profile I like to paint and am a leisure painter. Once a week I am in a painting group, where we paint, learn, and mostly laugh.

8. Since about one and a half year I discovered that I like to take photos too. With a digital camera it became so easy.

9. My life's motto is, getting fun out of everything and even problems. With humor everthing is easier to take.

10. I like to go out, visit expositions and to travel and try to see the most of the world before I disappear in a coffin.

11. From time to time I go to Amsterdam where my son lives now and like to go around and visit expositions or just sitting in the bus boats and look at the beautiful buildings surrounding the canals.

12. I have a few very good friends, one even since I was 7 years (!) and a lot of others to go out with.

13. Of course I am convinced that I have a very good temper, although some other people pretend I haven't, especially the man I live with.

I have got this wonderful award some time ago from Linda and Emmyrose and thank them very much. The same award I saw on Mar's blog and I thought I would create one for her personally :

Here are two versions. But of course feel free to help yourself for your own blog !


  1. I think it is normal for the men in our lives to have the mistaken notion that WE are the one's who are not always sweet. :)

    Great list :)

  2. Interesting list. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I thought you said your TT was boring. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. Just curious... are you and your husband tall like your son?

  4. You sound like a happy family. And I love how you define your nationality as European!! I am trying to decide what I am... :D

    Thank you, merci, danke schön for the great award (which of course I don't deserve so I am quickly grabbing it and leaving!!before it's too late!) which I will also make available on my blog on your behalf!
    I need to get urgent classes on graphics... The one "thanks for the award" is also very cute.

    Happy thursday!!

  5. This was an enjoyable read! Three countries at one table and no language problems. We have one country, one language, and sometimes too many problems!

    I admire your spirit.

    My TT is at


  6. Our family is multi-lingual too. My brother in law's girlfriend is an interpreter actually, and my sister in law has worked as a translator.

  7. I love to communicate with everyone, although I am not good at languages. I will work to translate and I will wait for a translation.
    Still when an old friend of Hubby's came and refused to speak in my presence English, when he was in the room (she spoke to me in English, no problem) I did have a problem with her. Kicked her former girlfriend butt out of my home!

  8. I have NO DOUBT about your #1! I am SURE you are just as (if not more) crazy as you were in younger days! Probably more... because age gives us license to BE crazy!

    Dennis and I were just talking the other day about how EVERYONE is a photographer now, since digital cameras came into being. It used to be you actually had to have TALENT to take a good picture - but now, you can take a fairly bad photograph, crop it and enhance it, and VOILA! Perfection! Ain't it grand?

    Now, I'm off to visit our captain and wish her a happy birthday! (I had no idea!)

  9. i think we are friends already I loved reading aboutyou and your family and youtake on your sons heritage too:>

  10. Great list...thanks for sharing:) I have a good temper too...just ask my kids;) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

  11. Bonsoir Gattina
    Là je pense que tu n'auras mon commentaire que demain.
    Très bon post! C'est amusant d'apprendre que chez toi c'est l'Europe! Donc je suppose que M. Gattino a passé quelques années en Allemagne pour aimer converser dans cette langue!
    Ma grand mère était alsacienne et j'avais l'habitude de l'entendre parler ainsi avec son mari. Et mon autre grand mère provençale donc quelquefois c'était le patois du sud qui prenait le relais.
    Demain, dernier jour de la semaine! Hourra! mon aide maternelle a craqué à la cantine (25 gosses de 4 ans et trois tables! A une table ils s'envoyaient le raisin, à l'autre le pain. ) Ce soir j'ai demandé à leur parents de les gronder et de serrer la vis... On verra bien demain... Et aussi de les mettre sous homéopathie pour les nerfs! Je suis sûre que certains auraient besoin d'un bon vermifuge!
    Je te souhaite un bon vendredi et à moi aussi!

  12. Gattina....I bet you're just so filled with fun and joy...the zest for life!!

    And #6 is pure bliss. To be able to converse IN ANY LANGUAGE with our cats is sublime!!!

    Glad you liked my Phone Conversation T T!!! Happy day to you.

  13. Oh, how sweet of you to shout out about my birthday :-)

    Excellent T13 this time too. Love the language part. You're a true cruiser family ;-)

  14. Great list! You have a wonderfully European family. I'm envious of all the languages you speak. I lived in Germany for nine years and still didn't master the language.

    Happy TT!

  15. Ha! Your "little" son of 34 sounds as if he'd be useful around the house.

    Fascinating to hear about multilingual European familes...It makes me feel quite jealous.

    Your husband is Italian? This explains why you are "Gattina" (?) in Italian rather than German.

    Not a boring subject at all; I was glad to learn more about you.

  16. Five cats. My goodness. My one calico is all I can handle. Happy TT.

  17. I can meow. Thats the only other language i can speak.

  18. I love your cats meowing in Dutch, French and English. But everyone can understand each other - perfect!

  19. That was a fun glimpse into your life :).

  20. That was very interesting. I wish I could speak another language. I can only speak English, and I can understand some Spanish.

  21. Interesting list! All those nationalities together are great!
    Thanks for visiting my Tolkien TT.

  22. you're an amazing lady Mrs Gattina x

    I am very envious of your bilingual/tri/however many languages it is you can speak... I can ask for beer in most languages and probably would be ok getting directions.. but no more!


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