It was like a summer holiday and we enjoyed it very much. Can't remember when or if that happened last time.

Nicole had bought new bathroom furniture and we had to laugh because when she opens the small cabinet over the sink it looks as if she had a whole shop display because of the mirror ! Very confusing.
2. The flowers in my pots on the terrace had done their job and had completely faded.

I hate garden work but it had to be done, so I pulled the rotten plants out and replaced them with fake flowers. At least I will have a nice colorful view in this dull, gray winter time.
3. Mr. G. who had put Oscar the lawn mower robot in his winter bed in the basement, had to carry it up again and mow the lawn ! It had still grown. Usually it stops growing in October.
Three days later when the above picture was taken, I sat with a thick pullover in front of Ilona's wood burner ! It rained and it was cold outside, so we had a hot cup of tea chatted and watched TV together. What can you do else when the weather is so lousy.
My cleaning lady arrived with a big cold, no wonder with this roller coaster weather. I only hope she won't give it to me !
5. I did some shopping and also looked for a bathroom lamp, ours is old and broke. But I didn't find anything I liked.
In the afternoon I went with 253 photos of Charlie to Nicole, to chose one portrait ! She wants to paint him on a canvas. Finally we found one which was suitable.
Meanwhile the model was sleeping happily at our feet.