more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story

1. This week was as exciting as a walk on a modern graveyard ! Not an old one like above it might be interesting. Before I really collapsed and felt lousy I mowed the lawn, that means I put the robot in the grass pushed the button "start" and watched it from time to time behind the closed French windows (see post below)

As I couldn't live or die, I took my medication suffered in silence and blogged a bit.

I have no personal press service, therefore I answered the phone myself and kept my dear friends updated about my miseries.
4. As so often when you have too much time you discover things which I didn't even know that they existed. For example that Blogger keeps your spam mails since 2011 (or maybe 2010) in your spam folder ! I thought if I would delete them they disappear forever, but that's not the case.

I went into the "comment" section of my travel blog

clicked on "spam" and discovered more than 3000 spams in there !! I almost fell off my chair. It was the same in my other blogs.

I clicked on delete, 100 spams per page and deleted them all. It took some time I tell you !

But now my blogs are spam free and I watch now that I delete spams definitively at least once a week !

The rest of the week I spent counting the days ! I hate not to feel well and it gets on my nerves
And then happened what had to happen in a perfect couple, when one half is sick the other half has to be sick too !

Mr. G. got it too !
Now that I am feeling better .... !