4 Jun 2011


I had again a fight with my Madame GPS. She definitively is not up to date anymore and should retire, but she insists to stay there were she is like lots of old politicians. The worst is, like them I cannot update her and with the age she becomes stubborn.

She loves highways, of course that's an easy driving and you arrive quickly at destination if you are not sitting in a traffic jam at office hours, although I try to avoid them. She doesn't like little streets which leads you through towns, the only thing she loves is the countryside and the cows, where she had already taken me.

I wanted to go to the Garden store to buy my cat statue which now sits cemented in front of our mailbox. I know that from my friend Ilona's house it's a very short way to get to the store without using the highway. So I decided to let Madame GPS switched off and only asked for her help once I was on the main road leading to Ilona's.

Immediately she started to get me back on the highway, and recalculated in this direction. But that's where I didn't want to go, it would have been a huge detour. I continued the way I thought to know but the street was closed for works. Then it started ! Mme GPS recalculated furiously in all directions and I furiously went in the opposite. Finally I recognized the church tower of a Brussels suburb which was in the right direction ! I followed the tower and Mme GPS being irreligious recalculated to get on her beloved highway.

Finally she changed her mind and suddenly I was on the right street and she brought me safely to my Garden store of which she had the address in her memory.

I bought the cat and now as there was no highway nearby, on the way back Madame GPS took me without protests and recalculations safely to Ilona where I exhausted but a winner had a cup of tea.

3 Jun 2011


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

1. This week we really had a rollercoaster weather. It was so hot on Monday that I almost melted in the garden, while I was reading my emails and preparing posts.

Of course the cats had to keep me company and watched that I did everthing right. Because of the heat I didn't put my nose outside except the garden of course.

2. Because it rained cats and dogs and the temperature had dropped to half of what we had the day before, I did some shopping got wet and returned home quickly. The farmers were happy about the rain, everything is so dry. We never had such a warm and dry spring since the creation of the weather station in 18 hundred something !

3. Ilona has invited her daughter with family for a barbecue and that immediately makes around 20 persons ! Her daughter has 5 children, 4 of them with partners, so she needed party plates and decorations.

I took her to a shop which sells all kind of decoration things from plastic plates, glasses, cuttlery, flowers, table cloths etc. etc. from 20 to 400 pieces per package ! Here she is looking for placemats.

I found these table decorations gorgeous, when you think that everything you see is out of plastic and paper !

4. For the first time this year Dominique and I after our acqua gym could eat in the garden of "our" asiatic restaurant, they had completely renovated the terrace unfortunately I had forgotten my camera !

5. It's ascension day today and everything is closed, so I took the opportunity to read my book and take a sunbath, because today it's hot again.

Rosie did the same and sat on the warm stone cat.

2 Jun 2011


Jenny Matlock
more participants at Jenny Matlock's Alphabet Thursday

Mr. Google is a great source for informations ! Thanks to him I found the latest and most indispensable gadgets, which you should absolutely have in your home.

The Message Toaster

If you want to leave your partner a message on the breakfast table you now can with the message toaster. You write the message on top of the toaster and it will toast your message into the bread. Which even allows you to eat the message without getting an indigestion !

Retro CellPhone Handset

This truly is a great invention. In the age of cell phones, it takes you back to the 1950s and offers a huge handset (a few times larger than the phone itself), but that doesn't matter.

The briefcase toilet

A must-have for any business travelers who want to avoid the dodgy toilets at the airports. (don't forget to clean it)

The USB Hamster Wheel

This product is, as the name says, a small hamster spinning around in his wheel. It is connected to your USB port. Plug it in, put two AA batteries into it, turn it on then type. The hamster starts to run as soon as you start typing, and he goes faster and faster if you increase the speed with which you type. Very stimulating !

Mind Controlled Cat Ears From Japan which I ABSOLUTELY need !

What a dream, me sitting on the bank ....

1 Jun 2011


more participants here

seen in Ostend at the sea in Belgium

31 May 2011

MY WORLD - Ostend at Anchor

is here

30 May 2011


Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of May 28. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.

It was quiet a nice weekend. There was a big sailing boat festival in Ostend (Belgium) with around 150 boats anchored in the port just in front of the station.

The main attraction was the "Bounty" a replica built for the 1962 movie “Mutiny on the Bounty" with Marlon Brando, but also more recently for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Jonny Depp. As you could visit the boats, this one of course was fully packed with visitors who wanted to see where Mr. Depp had played the pirate. I was more interested in the ship than in Mr. Depp, whom I don't like especially. I walked around to see all ships, but I will write a special post about this event later.

Our son came again for the weekend (he had been with us last weekend too) but this time alone, because he had to go for the christening of one of his best friend's son, he is the Godfather, and another friend celebrated his 35 th birthday with a big party. So finally we didn't see him very much.

He brought me 4 bouquets of roses, which I squeezed in two vases (I didn't have enough) probably one for Motherday and one for last weekend and this weekend. He is a practical man and honored his mother in one shot ! I also appreciated very much that he mowed the lawn !

One of my neighbors was busy with repairing the little wall in front of his house and was using cement ! I went over and asked him if he could give me a bit to cement my new cat so that it is impossible to steal it ! He came over with his cement and now the cat sits in there and laughs at all eventual thieves ! Nah !

Before our son returned home, he fixed the "coffin" (as my front neighbor said) on his car's roof. Going on holidays next week with a baby needs a lot of space ! Of course Arthur the cat had to check if father and son did it right. Mother hang out of the window and took the pictures.

The afternoon I spent with Dominique in her garden, we made an update on the last happenings in our families and neighborhood. No kidnapping, no murders, no funerals nothing special happened. And my cemented cat spent her first night safeley besides the mailbox.

29 May 2011


Today it's Sunday and I am lazy and my brain empty, so the fact that I was tagged by
my Blog friend The Dackel Princess Maribeth came on purpose !

I'll try my best to give honest answers

1. Do you think you’re hot?
Yes, especially when I have mowed the lawn.

2. Upload a picture or wall paper that you are using at the moment.

As soon as my computer works they show up !

3. When was the last time you ate chicken?
I think on Thursday together with a couscous

4. The song/songs you listened to recently.
Cat love songs in the moonlight before I opened the window and chased them away ! However I didn't use a bucket with water.

5. What were you thinking while doing this?
Nothing because my brain is empty as mentioned above

6. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
I have one and that is "Madame Chat" which means "Mrs. Cat" in English. Somebody in Art school named me like that and it is still used.

7. Tag eight blogger friends…
I just went on strike

Who’s listed as number one?
Whoever wants to do this questionary

please feel free to be number 1 to 8