She loves highways, of course that's an easy driving and you arrive quickly at destination if you are not sitting in a traffic jam at office hours, although I try to avoid them. She doesn't like little streets which leads you through towns, the only thing she loves is the countryside and the cows, where she had already taken me.
I wanted to go to the Garden store to buy my cat statue which now sits cemented in front of our mailbox. I know that from my friend Ilona's house it's a very short way to get to the store without using the highway. So I decided to let Madame GPS switched off and only asked for her help once I was on the main road leading to Ilona's.
Immediately she started to get me back on the highway, and recalculated in this direction. But that's where I didn't want to go, it would have been a huge detour. I continued the way I thought to know but the street was closed for works. Then it started ! Mme GPS recalculated furiously in all directions and I furiously went in the opposite. Finally I recognized the church tower of a Brussels suburb which was in the right direction ! I followed the tower and Mme GPS being irreligious recalculated to get on her beloved highway.
Finally she changed her mind and suddenly I was on the right street and she brought me safely to my Garden store of which she had the address in her memory.
I bought the cat and now as there was no highway nearby, on the way back Madame GPS took me without protests and recalculations safely to Ilona where I exhausted but a winner had a cup of tea.