26 Jul 2024


Unfortunately it rained again on Monday so we had to play our memory game inside. What was amazing that people who still have all their head or "brain" were loosing, while those a bit handicapped won ! They had a better memory ! I always forgot where I had seen the apple to find the second one, I never found it, my neighbor, a little crazy and always smelling alcohol did ! Interesting experience. 

The next day I went to my dermatologist because I had troubles with my skin. I know him well he was very good, but now he had become an old bachelor boy, who criticized women because they have children and therefore could not work. I had to bite my tongue not to say what I thought of such old bachelors! He's crazy !

We had nice weather again, not too hot and not too cold and we all sat  on the terrace ! 


Each time there are more moles crawling out of their holes. When I arrived here, I was surprised that everyone stayed in their rooms and only saw each other in the restaurant. And then they were surprised that they were bored! 

Although it was not Friday 13, the whole day we had misfortunes. It started when I wanted to ask the internet about the weather and I didn't have internet. Then I saw that the TV was off. I tried the light, no light! I opened my door and asked what was wrong. 

A general glitch in our Waterloo neighborhood. This meant staff couldn't get in, as the doors all open electrically. Finally, some employees came into the castle through the window of our Gilberte (101 years old), who lives on the ground floor. 

Of course that was also a problem for the kitchen and the poor nurses and cleaners had to go up and down the four floors. A few nurses had to stay on the 4th floor for the very serious cases, who are completely helpless. Two hours later the light came back  and I was finally able to answer my emails. But the luck didn't last long and then the two elevators failed. Walking up and down again! Somehow we all got out of our routine. Luckily everything was working again in the afternoon and we were able to play our game. 

On top of all that I stated that my phone bill was wrong, too much had been charged and it was impossible to call my provider! A parcel that I had ordered was delivered to my old address and it was impossible to get anyone on the phone at the post office ! Some days it's better to stay in bed! Anyway, I've had enough for today and will do it all on Monday.

Rosie washes her ears, that means rain !!
Me at the end of the day !


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

24 Jul 2024


1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose?

Certainly not, I am not at all interested in sports, never had. The only sport which I would have liked is riding a horse. Unfortunately horses scared me and I never dared to climb on one ! Now in my third youth I am not afraid of horses anymore, I pet them and I love them now without fear ! Maybe I am not to old for a little ride. Instead I climbed on a camel and admired its long eye lashes. Each time I had the occasion I was riding a camel !

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

I have been to Paris several times.  I have seen it all what a tourist should see, the rusty Eiffel tower included (maybe they painted it now for the Olympics). Since I lived 10 days in Paris to help a dear friend (now passed away) to move into her new apartment and, above all, to choose furniture! Her father, a well-known French politician, had managed to find her a small apartment in the posh district of Paris.

I've never seen such aggressive people in my life, everyone shouted at each other. All the buildings were neglected and the subway very dirty. That was a while ago but nothing has changed from what my French friends told me. They don't like Paris either, only for culture and expositions ! I haven't been to Paris since then and have no desire to go back.

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

I like mille feuille and chocolate souflé (mousse au chocolat),

4. July 24th is National Cousins Day...do you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have 2 cousins, but I haven't seen them in ages. They are my father's sisters daughters, and there was a fight between brother and sister, which limited a bit the contact to my cousins. One married the inventor of the "Brita filter" and made a fortune with it.

5. Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

Since the passing of Rick I am unable to be in a large crowd of people, no matter who or where. I'd rather be alone then.


6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I start to compare me with the weather, up and down ! Today it's rather down, I think of the stupid dermatologist who instead of helping me just prescribed a cream.

I think that the spots and other strange things I discovered on my skin are from the cortisone that I have to inhale.

Instead of giving me an explanation, he told me that he was retired I wanted to tell him ("that I can see") but held back, and that now there are almost only women who become dermatologists, and who are constantly pregnant and then can't work , and later they have to look after their children. I had to bite my tongue not to tell him what I thought, after all it's not forbidden for men to help out too. 

But he's an old bachelor and doesn't even have a computer. He scribbles everything on small pieces of paper! I hadn't noticed that before because I've only been to him twice and I really liked him and he was very good ! He has changed a lot now and seems to be of the opinion that a vintage woman shouldn't worry about her skin anymore !  I mean, even if yo are vintage, you should try to look pretty and well-groomed. After all, I'm doing it for myself and not for others ! Now am looking for a young dermatologists, who has done modern studies, and will never return to this old bachelor boy !

dermatologist who instead of helping me just prescribed a cream. I think that the spots and other strange things I discovered on my skin are from the cortisone that I have to inhale. Instead of giving me a lecture, he told me that he was retired (I wanted to tell him ("you can tell") but held back and that now it's almost only women who become dermatologists, are constantly pregnant and then can't work , and later they have to look after their children. I have to bite my tongue not to tell him what I think, after all it's not forbidden for men to help out too. But he's an old bachelor and doesn't even have a computer. He scribbles everything on small pieces of paper! I hadn't noticed that before because I've only been to him twice and I really liked him. He's changed a lot now and is of the opinion that an old woman shouldn't worry about her skin anymore Even if you're vintage, you should try to look pretty and well-groomed. After all, I'm doing it for myself and not for others!


= I think of the stupid dermatologist who instead of helping me just prescribed a cream. I think that the spots and other strange things I discovered on my skin are from the cortisone that I have to inhale. Instead of giving me a lecture, he told me that he was retired (I wanted to tell him ("you can tell") but held back and that now it's almost only women who become dermatologists, are constantly pregnant and then can't work , and later they have to look after their children. I have to bite my tongue not to tell him what I think, after all it's not forbidden for men to help out too. But he's an old bachelor and doesn't even have a computer. He scribbles everything on small pieces of paper! I hadn't noticed that before because I've only been to him twice and I really liked him. He's changed a lot now and is of the opinion that an old woman shouldn't worry about her skin anymore Even if you're vintage, you should try to look pretty and well-groomed. After all, I'm doing it for myself and not for others! the stupid dermatologist who instead of helping me just prescribed a cream. I think that the spots and other strange things I discovered on my skin are from the cortisone that I have to inhale. Instead of giving me a lecture, he told me that he was retired (I wanted to tell him ("you can tell") but held back and that now it's almost only women who become dermatologists, are constantly pregnant and then can't work , and later they have to look after their children. I have to bite my tongue not to tell him what I think, after all it's not forbidden for men to help out too. But he's an old bachelor and doesn't even have a computer. He scribbles everything on small pieces of paper! I hadn't noticed that before because I've only been to him twice and I really liked him. He's changed a lot now and is of the opinion that an old woman shouldn't worry about her skin anymore Even if you're vintage, you should try to look pretty and well-groomed. After all, I'm doing it for myself and not for others!

23 Jul 2024



Belgian_National_Day  A day which commemorates the oath taken by the first king of the Belgians, Léopold de Saxe-Cobourg-Ghota, on July 21, 1831. An important oath because it marks the creation of a new Kingdom Belgium.

The Royal Family, Queen Mathilde, King Philip and their 4 children, the eldest in purple is Crown Princess Elisabeth.

Crown Princess Elisabeth in uniform


Crown Princess Elisabeth, prince Emmanuel, princes Eléonore and prince Gabriel


more participants here, and Image-in-ing

21 Jul 2024



Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 




On Saturday I had the visit of my friend and ex neighbor, who had helped me to move into my "castle" ! We know each other since 23 years ! We lived for at least 10 years side by side and we could look into each others kitchen. Rick helped her with her computer and walked her dog and as she lived alone she came often to us to watch a film together. We also traveled a lot together and she came with me to my yearly holidays in Egypt. Unfortunately the poor girl has got Parkinson but a different type of Parkinson's.

She had the typical symptom, her hands were shaking, but Rick had it all in his head. I had only seen her on the phone since the beginning of the year but not in person. So I was pretty horrified when I saw her. Her hands were no longer shaking but her entire upper body was shaking. 

I had ordered a menu for her in our restaurant and we were very spoiled. Since there are so many people here with shaking hands, because they are old, she wasn't noticed at all. She had difficulties with eating, but luckily she enjoyed it. Afterwards we sat on the terrace and looked at the albums from our travels together. 

Suddenly several  residents  came who wanted to see it too and  we spent a very nice afternoon all together. We told everyone what had happened to us and there was a lot of laughter. 

Time went by so quickly and she had to drive home, it takes an hour. She still drives without problem and called me that she had arrived safely home.

Dominique and I having lunch together in our restaurant. We had stuffed red peppers with rice and for dessert a "white lady" (Dame blanche) a vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

On Sunday we celebrated our National Day, but I stayed with the others and we played a very interesting game about Belgium. All questions concerning the country, languages, the Royals etc. I was surprised that most of them only knew a few things, and finally I won ! No wonder I had written enough about Belgium !

And this was my breakfast ! I thought maybe they think that Domi stayed over night and I hid her behind the sofa, because I got 5 croissants and one "couque au chocolat". That's the same dough just a different shape and filled with chocolate. I couldn't eat it all, and kept the left overs for the evening. 

The Royal Family, King Philip, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth (in red) and one brother. Another brother and the youngest Princess Eleonor are not on the picture but were standing besides her siblings. Tonight there will be a drone show with 300 drones and a firework, while I while I will be in my bed and probably hear the noise of the festivities and firework in Waterloo.