For the last day of Chantal's interrupted holidays, we took a taxi and went to Hourgada city centre. Driving in Egypt is a suicidal adventure but so far we had always survived. There are no rules although there are, but nobody cares. So it horns from all sides in concert and the driver doubles cars from right or left sliding like a snake through the traffic. It is a miracle that there are no accidents not even damaged cars !

Beautiful new wall paintings
We noticed that Hourgada had lots of new shops and the sidewalks which didn't exist last year and now they were now very nicely tiled. We didn't stay very long, just doing some window shopping because we already have enough Egyptian souvenirs.
After our last supper together we spent the evening in this huge hall which has lots of little corners for privacy, with comfortable sofas and chairs. Drinks are served and there is always a life singer, mostly English once and very good.
When I got up the next morning I heard a noise at my window as if somebody would knock. Now my room is on the 6th floor so it could hardly be a burglar. I opened the curtains and suddenly a pigeon walked into my room ! Then it flew around and I was anxious it would fly against a wall. Then it sat in a corner besides the door ! Then it decided to leave me, and flew out of the window ! Maybe the people who lived in my room had fed this pigeon during their holidays !
We took our last breakfast with Chantal, who had a heavy heart, being alone and handicapped is not an easy task to travel. So far I or her sons travelled with her. The taxi was booked for 9.30 am and arrived punctually.
I took these pictures of her when she left
and noticed for the first time that there were lots of works going on in front of the hotel on the other side of the road. It looks as lots of new apartments are being built. It seems to me that here the economy hasn't suffered too much from the lack of tourists, which is the only income in this area.
Nicole and I spend the rest of the day at the beach.