I decided to attack Rick's computer and for the first time I defragmented it ! Of course I didn't know that it would last 16 h as he hadn't done this since 4 years and even then I just interrupted and will restart another day ! But I was very proud that it had worked and I could see the difference.
I also looked in my albums to find photos for the next upcoming memes ! That took me nearly the whole afternoon, because I often got stuck, just to remember where it had been and how were my memories ! So the awful day ended interrupted by Adeline who came over to have a drink with me and say hello to Miss Rosie.
As I hadn't done my usual Monday shopping I went the next day together with Adeline. We both stated that everything has gotten a little more expensive, again the Covid's fault, I don't know why cheese is more expensive, so far I had heard about mad cows but not of Covid infected cows !
Poor people who love to drink milk or milkshakes which is not my case fortunately. I had quite a lot to buy and of course the most important thing the wafels for Rick !When I arrived in the residence, they were just about to celebrate the Chandeleur (Candlemas) which is a use in Belgium and France. This day mountains of pancakes are made, very thin and normally you should throw them in the air and they should turn and fall back into the pan. Not everybody can do this and sometimes you have pancakes which are getting stuck on the ceiling !
It didn't happen unfortunately, but then everybody was asked with what they wanted to eat their pancake because they are served with white or brown sugar or with liquid black chocolate.
We ate them with white sugar and they were delicious ! It was a real nice afternoon !
And for the weekend I had an appointment with the pedicure and later in the afternoon with the hairdresser. Adeline came with me, she liked my hairdresser very much and as her hair were in the same catastrophic state then mine, she came with me as she can't drive and the hairdresser is on the other end of Waterloo. Unfortunately with our new hair cut we just went to bed after watching a bit TV I thought a few years ago when Rick was still normal, we would have gone somewhere and long time ago when we were a couple without baby, we would have gone to a nightclub and dance !