31 Mar 2018


Linking to Weekend Reflections

Black and White Weekend

30 Mar 2018


Skywatch through a window

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Sometimes I think I just could copy and paste my weekly reports ! It's always the same !

Our scrabble took place in a new scrabble member's house, unfortunately I forgot to take pictures because it was quite special. Especially the inside decoration. In the very huge living room was the kitchen corner but then nearly no furniture at all. In a corner were two orange sofas and all over the place were 3 different little round or square tables with 4 chairs, all in another style and in different places. On the walls hung her very beautiful self painted modern paintings. I had never seen such a fancy interior, but it felt really cosy inside. Although the weather was grey outside it seemed that light flooded into the interior through the enormous windows.

This time I had a real bad game, always very low numbers and of course I lost. The game took quite some time and afterwards we had a delicious apricot cake.

I did the laundry as you can see

and that nobody talks about "good old times" !!!!

Mr. G's Whist friend, who is also my friend invited us and Nicole for an afternoon chat. Poor Mr. G. was alone amongst the 3 chatterboxes and was certainly regretting not to play his whist on the computer ! And the poor girl thought she would do him a favor by inviting him so that he wouldn't be alone at home .... But he enjoyed a delicious strawberry cake and of course got the biggest part.

Monique wore a beautiful silver necklace of which you could take off a piece and wear it as bracelet. The clasp looked very easy when she took the necklace off, but then to get it together, Mr. G. and Nicole worked at least half an hour and got angry and excited because it had seemed so easy and they couldn't find out how it worked ! As they are both very stubborn, they absolutely wanted to find out the solution without any help. It took a while but then they found out, had to laugh and were angry at the same time because apparently it was very simple !! I didn't even try, I would have thrown the necklace on the table I have no patience or fix it with a wire !

I ended the week with creating Easter cards not in paper but for emails and stated that you have to pay now for most of the "photoshop" companies, which in the past were free. Or you have to subscribe. Finally I managed, not exactly what I wanted but it's better then nothing.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

28 Mar 2018


Waterloo battle cleaning

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1. What's a word that describes your life? A word you wish described your life?

2. Back in my day we ...?

As it is early morning I can't say anything how it was back in my day. I just drink my coffee. 
If you mean the past, so I would say I was less lazy especially concerning housework. 

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?

Certainly not Italian I eat that at home nearly everyday. I like Chinese food.  No typical week for a takeout.

4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?

Their optimism and courage. One of my friends is nearly blind, but enjoys life and never complains. She accepts help only when it is really necessary. She goes with us on excursions, to concerts, plays scrabble (and always wins) She behaves as if she was not disabled at all. I really admire her. 

5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?

Spontaneously ! I would jump into water and learn swimming afterwards ! Can be dangerous sometimes

6. Insert your own random thought here.

It's still so cold and I am thinking if I should decorate my house for Easter with bunnies eggs and and Easter "tree" or nothing.

My Easter decoration in the past

As we are alone on Easter and no visitors are coming I think I leave the Easter bunnies etc where they are .... in the basement.

From this side of the pond

27 Mar 2018


This is our little train station in Waterloo. It hasn't changed very much since it had been opened in February 1874.

There are two platforms one towards Brussels the other towards Charleroi.
To reach platform 2 you have to go through a little tunnel which had been the joy of taggers ! It looked awful. As soon as the tags were cleaned off, new once appeared. Our little station therefore looked always dirty and not very trustful. 

Then the city had a great idea. They asked real Graffiti art artists  to decorate the walls with murals, that way there was no way left for dirty tags like below.

Unfortunately I have no picture of the ugly tags of the tunnel

But now if you walk through it's a real pleasure for those who love art

And still some @$%& find a place to leave their traces !

But now at least our station looks very nice !

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26 Mar 2018


Flowers made out of fruits

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For a retired couple weekends are rather boring, at least when it's still winter. The flower shows are delayed because nothing blooms.

Finally looking in the mirror I found that I really needed a haircut ! Usually on Saturdays it's difficult to get a place even without appointments. Some hairdressers do.

I was lucky I had only to wait for half an hour and then it was my turn. So I came out with a new head and felt already better. As it was windy and humid I returned home and continued my TV marathon.

Sunday morning a miracle happened and the sun pointed its nose ! It had been at least more than a year I hadn't been to Brussels' midi market and Nicole and I decided to go for a walk there. Sometimes you can do quite some bargains.

As you can see people are still warmly dressed ! I bought some socks for Mr. G. and a nighty for me didn't find anything else. Nicole came back with enormous mushrooms and also socks. We had a drink on the terrace of the restaurant, where it was so warm that I had to take off my jacket.

Then we went home.  We had been really lucky because in the afternoon it was again TV time because it became cloudy and cold.