2. I went to Ilona for a little visit and we chatted about everything, she is worried about her son, after 7 years of marriage he is talking about divorce. Sad.
My son had sent me the last pictures of Grandson Toby, very important event, he lost his first tooth at five and a half ! I thought that this is quite early. But it is a start ! We suffer when the teeth grow, we suffer (less) when they fall out, then they grow again and at the end you suffer more and more and they have to be pulled out ! Why don't we get the right forever teeth ??
3. Not only it was cold and rainy, but the face I saw in the mirror looked awful, my hair had grown and I looked like a witch. I decided to go to the hairdresser where I don't need an appointment and she cut my hair. Now I find it a little too short, but it will grow again and it is supposed to be summer and warm. Nicole came too, but changed her mind in the last minute, she will go on Friday to be "beautiful" over the weekend. After that we went for a drink to the Mont St. Jean farm and Charlie could inspect the cows again.
4. Coming back through the center of Waterloo, I saw firemen, police and lots of people ! I just made it through without problem. Mr. G. was less lucky he got completely stuck half an our later, as the whole area had been closed.

Inside the Shopping gallery in the parking a car suddenly was on fire and the whole Gallery had to be evacuated. The shop owners were transferred to the Waterloo Tennis to wait until they could get into the gallery again. Fortunately nobody was injured, there was only a lot of smoke and a lot of excitement in our calm little town !
5. It had been the last day of our painting class before the summer holidays. So we were all a little sad, but promised to see each other during the holidays too.

For the coffee break some had brought cakes to "celebrate" the last day, and I was not in the mood to finish my black cat with the blue tulip. We also had some visitors, people who maybe will join us in September.
After class, 5 of us went to our favorite Asiatic restaurant and I took this picture when we started the dessert. We had such a lot of fun and laughed so much that we stayed 3 h there eating !! It's a buffet "all you can eat" and I think we followed this advice literally !