First I tried Still Lives, but they looked rather boring and really more than still !
I also noticed something strange : All languages of germanic origin say "still life" while the once of roman origin say "nature morte" which means "dead nature". In my personal case I would rather say that the Roman languages are right because my "Still lives" looked rather like "dead natures". I didn't like it and gave up
These pictures would certainly be very nice as paintings "Still Life" or "Dead Nature" as you wish.
I had realized that I loved to observe my cats and started with painting cats. The only obstacle was that cats never stay still. I asked with my sweetest voice to please sit down and hold still. Of course cat Arthur agrees to please me and I thought the sunflowers would give a nice background.
But ... Arthur too thought the sunflowers were nice and had first to sniff at them. There was also a box which he hadn't discovered yet. Standing there in front of my easel with brush and palette and asked dear Arthur to please sit down and look at me. He nearly did, but then moved again. Impossible to sit still and then suddenly he had enough, turned around and jumped from the dresser.
I stood there like a still life now and thought I have to find another way to paint my cats, as they don't want to be "dead natures" I left my brush and palette and looked in my computer to find a nice photo of Arthur where he stood still ! On photos nobody can't move.
Unfortunately I don't know if this masterpiece is still with my other paintings or if I have sold it, anyway, never try to paint a cat. Even if she sleeps and wears her tail on the left, the next time you look the tail is on the right !
Linking to Five Min Friday - still