Following the letter of the Electricity company, that there would be no electricity on Monday morning, Mr. G. got up in the early hours to open the electric shutters, make coffee put it in a thermos, and then quickly went "working" on his computer while there was still electricity.
I jumped in my clothes and went to the Medical Center for blood analysis. The nurse filled in 6 small glass tubes, it was as if I had had the visit of Dracula.

As I they also needed an uric test, but nobody had told me, I had to go to Nicole who lives nearby to drink two coffees and wait a bit. She wasn't dressed yet and we chatted and played with little cat Isis and then I returned to the nurse and gave her the plastic beaker and finally drove home. I was expecting to be without electricity, but we had taken all these precautions for nothing, because the electricity was working the whole day ! I was a bit angry because it had turned my whole program upside down.
Each time when we say that it will be the last time that we can play our scrabble on the terrace, it was even warmer then the rest of the week we had again 24° (75 F). If it continues like that we can do like the Australians and make a barbecue at the beach on Christmas ! This time it was Nicole who lost and not me !!
Ilona had been in Spain for two weeks and was back, so I paid her a little visit and admired her new leather sofa and armchair. We both needed a change after 30 years sitting on the same thing !
The scouts who wanted to take my old sofas suddenly didn't want them anymore, which made me really angry. But I put a photo on Facebook for different organizations and not even 10 min after I had published them they were already gone. Friday they will be picked up. Of the 5 others who called later I kept the number just in case !
We worked the whole morning on Thursday to prepare our Exposition for this weekend. Fortunately a young man helped us with the panels because they are quite heavy and then we had to put on chains and hooks to hang up the pictures ! Finally at noon we finished !
I got a phone call from the lady who wanted our sofas, she asked if she could pick up them one day earlier ! I happily agreed ! It couldn't go quick enough to get rid of these old things !
I took the last picture as a memory, then when one Sofa was gone Arthur squatted the second but had to leave and now we have a nice pic nic place in our living room which suddenly seems very huge !
Even Mr. G. was nearly happy, he doesn't like changes, just like cat Arthur and Rosie but they are not happy at all ! They seem a little lost without the sofa and only garden furniture.
more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
Now we are waiting for the new once !!