2. I didn't feel well without knowing what I had. I took some antiinflamatory pills, and stayed home. I was feeling so tired that I fell asleep each time I watched TV ! At 8 pm I went to bed and slept for 10 h !
It lasted for two days, and I spent my time with filing my photos and taking pictures of my cats. I had run out for my cat blog.

They were keeping me company, while I lay on the sofa and watched TV. Mr. G. although he wasn't feeling sick, did the same, asking me all 5 min if I was feeling better !
3. Our garden (or yard) started to look like a jungle, everything had grown so fast in the last days.

Our gardener came and trimmed all hedges and bushes and now it looks clean and nice again.
4. Labour day is on the first of May and to celebrate it is an official holiday where nobody works. That's why it is called labour day. All shops were closed and many people had taken one day off to make a long weekend.
5. In Belgium it is the use to offer a Lilly of the Valley or send a card to your family, friends and neighbors. I tried to make a card, but couldn't find any free online photo tool to cut out a cat and put it in a Lilly of the Valley background. Does somebody know such a tool ?

All I managed to do was this, with the help of Picasa.
Normally I have a lot of Lilly of the Valley which grow in our garden, but this year they had bloomed too early as the weather was so warm. So my Lily of the Valley had already faded and were not good anymore to offer to somebody.
For the first time since I live in Waterloo I had to buy them, one for Ilona's mother, who is 90, still lives in her apartment alone and is fit like a fish in the water ! Ilona was there too and we had coffee together and chatted. On the label is written : "Je porte bonheur " "I bring luck". I think it's a very nice tradition. At the end of the day we had a rather impressive thunderstorm, it made a lot of noise !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.