more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. I started the week with house cleaning ! My cleaning lady is on holidays, so I have to replace her. I prefer to clean on Mondays at least it looks clean during the week, my friends prefer to do (or have it done) on Fridays to show a clean house to their guests. I think it's more logical to clean AFTER the visitors. The only room of course which has to be perfectly clean is the bathroom, because there people have time to look in the corners.
My son had sent some pictures of grandson Toby which I had to sort out. Here are some of them.

At 7 1/2 months. In this time of your life even the halfs count, now you prefer to forget the years.

with Arthur

with Daddy

and with the proud Grandpa ! He looks quiet "old" for his age, Toby of course, not the grandpa !
2. During the summer holidays of July and August in Belgium, everything goes slower, changes or is closed. So instead of having my acqua gym on Mondays it is now on Tuesdays and also with other people and not our usual group. Fortunately very nice once too. After that, hungry Dominique and I went to "La Pomme" (the Apple) where we had a nice lunch.
3. Before going to Eastbourne for my yearly one week holidays tonight, I had to go to the hairdresser because my head looked like a mop. Now the hairs are cut and are easier to keep in shape. I also cooked a huge pot of Chili con Carne for the temporary joyful widow which I deepfreezed in small
huge portions so that the poor man doesn't starve during my absence. There are also Pizzas for him and cat Arthur.
4. The silicone around the sinks in our bathroom was badly damaged and had to be renewed, and as my friend Ilona is a woman with golden hands and can do everything which usually is a man's duty, she came and put new silicone around the sinks and now it looks clean and real perfect !
5. One of my oldest friends, I know her since 1961 (!) came from Charleroi to visit us for the day. We hadn't seen each other for more than a year. She and Mr. G. have the same birth date, same day, same year, she in New York, he in Italy with 6 h difference (time difference included) Isn't that a coincidence !

We went to the Asian restaurant together and spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden. By miracle the weather had cleared up and it was warm enough to sit outside.

Here is a little map for those who don't know where Eastbourne is.
I will take the Eurostar from Brussels to London, but get out in Ashford and from there I will take the train to Eastbourne.
Of course I continue my blogging from there as usual.